"Ah! those were pleasant days when I had the Laconia! How fast I made

money in her. A friend of mine and I had such a lovely cruise together

off the Western Islands. Poor Harville, sister! You know how much he

wanted money: worse than myself. He had a wife. Excellent fellow. I

shall never forget his happiness. He felt it all, so much for her

sake. I wished for him again the next summer, when I had still the

same luck in the Mediterranean."

"And I am sure, Sir," said Mrs Musgrove, "it was a lucky day for us,

when you were put captain into that ship. We shall never forget what

you did."

Her feelings made her speak low; and Captain Wentworth, hearing only in

part, and probably not having Dick Musgrove at all near his thoughts,

looked rather in suspense, and as if waiting for more.

"My brother," whispered one of the girls; "mamma is thinking of poor


"Poor dear fellow!" continued Mrs Musgrove; "he was grown so steady,

and such an excellent correspondent, while he was under your care! Ah!

it would have been a happy thing, if he had never left you. I assure

you, Captain Wentworth, we are very sorry he ever left you."

There was a momentary expression in Captain Wentworth's face at this

speech, a certain glance of his bright eye, and curl of his handsome

mouth, which convinced Anne, that instead of sharing in Mrs Musgrove's

kind wishes, as to her son, he had probably been at some pains to get

rid of him; but it was too transient an indulgence of self-amusement to

be detected by any who understood him less than herself; in another

moment he was perfectly collected and serious, and almost instantly

afterwards coming up to the sofa, on which she and Mrs Musgrove were

sitting, took a place by the latter, and entered into conversation with

her, in a low voice, about her son, doing it with so much sympathy and

natural grace, as shewed the kindest consideration for all that was

real and unabsurd in the parent's feelings.

They were actually on the same sofa, for Mrs Musgrove had most readily

made room for him; they were divided only by Mrs Musgrove. It was no

insignificant barrier, indeed. Mrs Musgrove was of a comfortable,

substantial size, infinitely more fitted by nature to express good

cheer and good humour, than tenderness and sentiment; and while the

agitations of Anne's slender form, and pensive face, may be considered

as very completely screened, Captain Wentworth should be allowed some

credit for the self-command with which he attended to her large fat

sighings over the destiny of a son, whom alive nobody had cared for.

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