She had some satisfaction in finding that he was really going out of

Bath the next morning, going early, and that he would be gone the

greater part of two days. He was invited again to Camden Place the

very evening of his return; but from Thursday to Saturday evening his

absence was certain. It was bad enough that a Mrs Clay should be

always before her; but that a deeper hypocrite should be added to their

party, seemed the destruction of everything like peace and comfort. It

was so humiliating to reflect on the constant deception practised on

her father and Elizabeth; to consider the various sources of

mortification preparing for them! Mrs Clay's selfishness was not so

complicate nor so revolting as his; and Anne would have compounded for

the marriage at once, with all its evils, to be clear of Mr Elliot's

subtleties in endeavouring to prevent it.

On Friday morning she meant to go very early to Lady Russell, and

accomplish the necessary communication; and she would have gone

directly after breakfast, but that Mrs Clay was also going out on some

obliging purpose of saving her sister trouble, which determined her to

wait till she might be safe from such a companion. She saw Mrs Clay

fairly off, therefore, before she began to talk of spending the morning

in Rivers Street.

"Very well," said Elizabeth, "I have nothing to send but my love. Oh!

you may as well take back that tiresome book she would lend me, and

pretend I have read it through. I really cannot be plaguing myself for

ever with all the new poems and states of the nation that come out.

Lady Russell quite bores one with her new publications. You need not

tell her so, but I thought her dress hideous the other night. I used

to think she had some taste in dress, but I was ashamed of her at the

concert. Something so formal and arrange in her air! and she sits so

upright! My best love, of course."

"And mine," added Sir Walter. "Kindest regards. And you may say, that

I mean to call upon her soon. Make a civil message; but I shall only

leave my card. Morning visits are never fair by women at her time of

life, who make themselves up so little. If she would only wear rouge

she would not be afraid of being seen; but last time I called, I

observed the blinds were let down immediately."

While her father spoke, there was a knock at the door. Who could it

be? Anne, remembering the preconcerted visits, at all hours, of Mr

Elliot, would have expected him, but for his known engagement seven

miles off. After the usual period of suspense, the usual sounds of

approach were heard, and "Mr and Mrs Charles Musgrove" were ushered

into the room. Copyright 2016 - 2024