He did not come however. Anne sometimes fancied she discerned him at a

distance, but he never came. The anxious interval wore away

unproductively. The others returned, the room filled again, benches

were reclaimed and repossessed, and another hour of pleasure or of

penance was to be sat out, another hour of music was to give delight or

the gapes, as real or affected taste for it prevailed. To Anne, it

chiefly wore the prospect of an hour of agitation. She could not quit

that room in peace without seeing Captain Wentworth once more, without

the interchange of one friendly look.

In re-settling themselves there were now many changes, the result of

which was favourable for her. Colonel Wallis declined sitting down

again, and Mr Elliot was invited by Elizabeth and Miss Carteret, in a

manner not to be refused, to sit between them; and by some other

removals, and a little scheming of her own, Anne was enabled to place

herself much nearer the end of the bench than she had been before, much

more within reach of a passer-by. She could not do so, without

comparing herself with Miss Larolles, the inimitable Miss Larolles; but

still she did it, and not with much happier effect; though by what

seemed prosperity in the shape of an early abdication in her next

neighbours, she found herself at the very end of the bench before the

concert closed.

Such was her situation, with a vacant space at hand, when Captain

Wentworth was again in sight. She saw him not far off. He saw her

too; yet he looked grave, and seemed irresolute, and only by very slow

degrees came at last near enough to speak to her. She felt that

something must be the matter. The change was indubitable. The

difference between his present air and what it had been in the Octagon

Room was strikingly great. Why was it? She thought of her father, of

Lady Russell. Could there have been any unpleasant glances? He began

by speaking of the concert gravely, more like the Captain Wentworth of

Uppercross; owned himself disappointed, had expected singing; and in

short, must confess that he should not be sorry when it was over. Anne

replied, and spoke in defence of the performance so well, and yet in

allowance for his feelings so pleasantly, that his countenance

improved, and he replied again with almost a smile. They talked for a

few minutes more; the improvement held; he even looked down towards the

bench, as if he saw a place on it well worth occupying; when at that

moment a touch on her shoulder obliged Anne to turn round. It came

from Mr Elliot. He begged her pardon, but she must be applied to, to

explain Italian again. Miss Carteret was very anxious to have a

general idea of what was next to be sung. Anne could not refuse; but

never had she sacrificed to politeness with a more suffering spirit.

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