"Yes, and Miss Atkinson, who dined with him once at the Wallises, says

he is the most agreeable man she ever was in company with."

"She is pretty, I think; Anne Elliot; very pretty, when one comes to

look at her. It is not the fashion to say so, but I confess I admire

her more than her sister."

"Oh! so do I."

"And so do I. No comparison. But the men are all wild after Miss

Elliot. Anne is too delicate for them."

Anne would have been particularly obliged to her cousin, if he would

have walked by her side all the way to Camden Place, without saying a

word. She had never found it so difficult to listen to him, though

nothing could exceed his solicitude and care, and though his subjects

were principally such as were wont to be always interesting: praise,

warm, just, and discriminating, of Lady Russell, and insinuations

highly rational against Mrs Clay. But just now she could think only of

Captain Wentworth. She could not understand his present feelings,

whether he were really suffering much from disappointment or not; and

till that point were settled, she could not be quite herself.

She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas! alas! she must

confess to herself that she was not wise yet.

Another circumstance very essential for her to know, was how long he

meant to be in Bath; he had not mentioned it, or she could not

recollect it. He might be only passing through. But it was more

probable that he should be come to stay. In that case, so liable as

every body was to meet every body in Bath, Lady Russell would in all

likelihood see him somewhere. Would she recollect him? How would it

all be?

She had already been obliged to tell Lady Russell that Louisa Musgrove

was to marry Captain Benwick. It had cost her something to encounter

Lady Russell's surprise; and now, if she were by any chance to be

thrown into company with Captain Wentworth, her imperfect knowledge of

the matter might add another shade of prejudice against him.

The following morning Anne was out with her friend, and for the first

hour, in an incessant and fearful sort of watch for him in vain; but at

last, in returning down Pulteney Street, she distinguished him on the

right hand pavement at such a distance as to have him in view the

greater part of the street. There were many other men about him, many

groups walking the same way, but there was no mistaking him. She

looked instinctively at Lady Russell; but not from any mad idea of her

recognising him so soon as she did herself. No, it was not to be

supposed that Lady Russell would perceive him till they were nearly

opposite. She looked at her however, from time to time, anxiously; and

when the moment approached which must point him out, though not daring

to look again (for her own countenance she knew was unfit to be seen),

she was yet perfectly conscious of Lady Russell's eyes being turned

exactly in the direction for him--of her being, in short, intently

observing him. She could thoroughly comprehend the sort of fascination

he must possess over Lady Russell's mind, the difficulty it must be for

her to withdraw her eyes, the astonishment she must be feeling that

eight or nine years should have passed over him, and in foreign climes

and in active service too, without robbing him of one personal grace!

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