"I am sorry to say that I am very far from well; and Jemima has just

told me that the butcher says there is a bad sore-throat very much

about. I dare say I shall catch it; and my sore-throats, you know, are

always worse than anybody's."

So ended the first part, which had been afterwards put into an

envelope, containing nearly as much more.

"I kept my letter open, that I might send you word how Louisa bore her

journey, and now I am extremely glad I did, having a great deal to add.

In the first place, I had a note from Mrs Croft yesterday, offering to

convey anything to you; a very kind, friendly note indeed, addressed to

me, just as it ought; I shall therefore be able to make my letter as

long as I like. The Admiral does not seem very ill, and I sincerely

hope Bath will do him all the good he wants. I shall be truly glad to

have them back again. Our neighbourhood cannot spare such a pleasant

family. But now for Louisa. I have something to communicate that will

astonish you not a little. She and the Harvilles came on Tuesday very

safely, and in the evening we went to ask her how she did, when we were

rather surprised not to find Captain Benwick of the party, for he had

been invited as well as the Harvilles; and what do you think was the

reason? Neither more nor less than his being in love with Louisa, and

not choosing to venture to Uppercross till he had had an answer from Mr

Musgrove; for it was all settled between him and her before she came

away, and he had written to her father by Captain Harville. True, upon

my honour! Are not you astonished? I shall be surprised at least if

you ever received a hint of it, for I never did. Mrs Musgrove protests

solemnly that she knew nothing of the matter. We are all very well

pleased, however, for though it is not equal to her marrying Captain

Wentworth, it is infinitely better than Charles Hayter; and Mr Musgrove

has written his consent, and Captain Benwick is expected to-day. Mrs

Harville says her husband feels a good deal on his poor sister's

account; but, however, Louisa is a great favourite with both. Indeed,

Mrs Harville and I quite agree that we love her the better for having

nursed her. Charles wonders what Captain Wentworth will say; but if

you remember, I never thought him attached to Louisa; I never could see

anything of it. And this is the end, you see, of Captain Benwick's

being supposed to be an admirer of yours. How Charles could take such

a thing into his head was always incomprehensible to me. I hope he

will be more agreeable now. Certainly not a great match for Louisa

Musgrove, but a million times better than marrying among the Hayters."

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