“Oh, God.” Eddie weeps, and I smile when his sobs grow distant while he gets himself together.

“Okay.” Kirby breathes. “Okay.”

“Okay,” I echo.

“A contentment in your soul?” she whispers.

“Freedom from my darkest days,” I confirm, and this time it isn’t Eddie muffling his emotions; Kirby’s soft hiccup-like sob now joins him.

“If you two don’t mind,” Kane strongly calls in the phone. “I’m going to hang up now and wake my girl up properly now.”

He goes to grab the phone off his chest, but I swat his hand away, laughing.

“Eddie, check your schedule and let us know when you can come out to California. Kirby, I’ll see you Friday.”

I don’t give them a chance to respond before disconnecting the call with a jab of my finger. They got what they needed, and right now, I’m about to get what I need.

I don’t move after ending the call. The phone sits on his rapidly moving chest as I hold myself over his body and look deep into his eyes. The deep blue storm brewing deep within them.

There are no words spoken, and none needed.

Gliding my hands over the hardness of his chest and abdomen, I let my nails rake over the hard ridges of his abs, teasing the deep V right above where my body settled on his. He jerks his hips, pulls in deep gasps of air, and lets me worship his body.

I move my hands up, and on the way, I grab the phone and toss it over the side of the bed. The clatter of the wood floors the only other sound mingling with our rough breathing.

When my hips rock against him, only then do his hands fly to my body. He holds me against him as I continue to give him my love. I can feel his erection harden even further and moan when my movements have the sharp bursts of ecstasy shooting from my center and firing throughout my whole body.

My head falls back as my movements pick up speed. Not fast, but a harder rock; still gentle but just what I need to continue to feel the pleasure spiking.

When my neck rolls and I bring my eyes back to his, I gasp at the greedy rapture in which he is watching my move.

His hooded eyes lock to where our bodies are creating the most delicious friction before slowly moving up my torso and stopping on my breasts. His mouth opens, hanging there, as a rumble sounds deep in his throat. I can feel my breasts moving, swinging softly with each roll of my hips and quivering with each gasp I pull sharply into my lungs. I look down to see what is causing such a fierce reaction from him.

His fingers are curled into my hips, my soft skin giving to the pressure and his thumbs making deep impressions against my flesh. The sight of all my suppleness doesn’t shame me. Not while he’s looking at me with such voracity. The parts of me I had once hated have now become my favorite features because I know with just baring myself to him that he craves me fiercely.

He doesn’t hold back how much he loves my body. I glance back at him and watch his face as I bring my hands up and cup my heavy, sensitive breasts. Pinching my nipples between my fingers, squeezing the skin and letting out a shameless cry. And because I’m watching him, I’m instantly rewarded.

His eyes drink my actions in, the deepness in his harsh breathing reverberating through the room, as the color in his skin heats. His nostrils flare, and I know he might not be able to hold back much longer.

I look down my body, past my hands still torturing him with my fondling and to where the tip of his hard erection peeks out with each backward rock of my hips. The flesh red, swollen, and angry looking. Wet with my own desire as well as what I’m sure is a good mix of his.

Seeing our bodies, connected without being completely fused, makes my whole body tremble with need.

I drop my hands and lift my hips, his erection instantly springing free. The hardness hits my entrance. The jolt is so strong from the contact that it’s almost as if his body is begging me to drop and impale myself on him.

I look away from the sight between my legs and up to his face. The strain in his neck prominent and it looks like every vein in his body is visible as he is filled with the same overwhelming need that I am.

“Nothing between us,” I demand, and the harshness of his breathing picks up even more. We already talked about it, and since I’m covered, there is no need to continue allowing anything else from feeling each other completely.

“Never.” His gravelly voice moans low and deep in his throat in agreement.

My hips lift, just a little more, and as his fingers dig into mine with a pleasure-filled pain, I slam my body down on his length and that moan turns into dual groans of pure euphoria.

Our eyes never leave each other. I ride his body free of fear of what I might look like because the love blazing from his gaze leaves no uncertainty that I’m the most beautiful woman in the world to him.

My movements falter when he hits a spot so deep inside of me that I can hear my wetness with each slam of my hips. The pleasure is so intense I can no longer move on my own accord. Seeing my struggle, he knifes from his back and the next thing I know, my back is hitting the end of the bed and his hands are curling around my neck, holding my face still as he looks deep into me.

Searching as his hips power between my legs. Our cries bleeding together as we share the air between our lips.

No words are needed. Not when you can feel the love we have for one another with so much influence that it’s almost tangible. There isn’t anything between us at this moment. Our bodies move as one, our hearts beating in sync, and our souls finally coming home.

When the pleasure becomes too much, my mouth opens and I shatter. My whole body tightening, firing, and bursting in an explosion so bright that the heat only drives me higher and higher until I’m no longer sure I’m even breathing.

His own groans mix with my hoarse cries, and with one last powerful thrust, I feel the warmth of his climax spilling inside me.

It’s at this moment, right here, as we pant in the rawness of our lovemaking, that I know nothing will ever be able to take this from us. What we have is a once in a lifetime love that can never be broken. The world outside our happiness will never penetrate what we have built. There is no force strong enough out there that could ever sever what we share.

I feel supremacy in that knowledge. A solidification in what I have become. Everything I had gone through has brought me to this moment in his arms. Every spiral I fell and pain I endured made me worthy of not only my own love, but his as well.

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