Without letting our lips touch, I keep my eyes trained on his and demand, “I can feel how much you want me, Kane. Stop denying it and take me. All of me.”

His throat works and rapid breaths fan from his thick lips. “I would never deny that I want you, Willow. I’ve wanted nothing more than to sink my cock into your body for weeks, but I have to know you want this just as much as I do. I wasn’t denying you to be cruel, baby. That’s the last thing I wanted to do. I was trying to go slow, give you time, and not rush you into something you might not be ready for.”

“I’ve been ready, Kane. So ready I’m about to go mad.”

“You aren’t scared?”

I push my head back slightly so I can study his face better. The pieces of the puzzle I had lacked finally coming together. He hasn’t been pushing me away; he’s been making sure I wouldn’t regret anything. Letting me learn to walk in this newfound confidence before I could run without abandon. He was letting me heal.

“I needed to know you were ready, and it wasn’t something you were doing because you thought I wanted it, or because it was something I expected. I had to make sure you knew this wasn’t just about a quick fuck, Willow. It’s killed me, burned my gut to turn you away, but baby, I had to.”

My eyes burn with emotion, but thankfully, no tears rush forward. “And I love you even more for that, but listen to me when I tell you I’m beyond that point. I’m so far past it that if you don’t take me right now, I’m going to tie you up and take you myself.”

His jaw moves, clenches, and his whole body trembles at my words. Yes, thank God is all I can think when his mouth crashes against mine. His head lifts and I see him look around, searching for the way to my bed. Before I can point, his mouth is plundering mine as he stomps toward the open doorway of my bedroom. The light, much brighter than the dim hallway by my front door, washes over us. For the first time, the thought of sex with the lights on doesn’t terrify me. I don’t care if my boobs bounce too much or the soft skin around my stomach jiggles as much as my butt does. I want the light because I wouldn’t be able to see how much this man loves every single one of those things that I used to hate without it. I would miss the way his eyes burn in hunger when he follows the path of his hands down my curves. And most importantly, I would miss the look of rapture when he finally comes inside my body.

I welcome the light just as much as I welcome the body I used to hate, because not only does the man I love adore every inch, but through his eyes, I do too.


I look down and have to pause when I see how much Willow wants me. She isn’t letting me doubt she’s ready for this at all. Her skin is pink with arousal, and I see no embarrassment there at all. Her eyes are hooded and her kiss-bruised lips curved into a small smile.

This image alone is enough to test the confines that trap my already painfully hard cock. Hell, I’m so hard that it feels like I could just give one thrust and my cock would power through the thick denim. When her hands come up and push into my shirt, caressing the burning skin underneath, my head drops to her shoulder and my moan echoes around us.

Her head turns, and I feel the movement against the side of my head. Her lips brush my ear and then her tongue comes out and licks a blazing trail around the shell of my ear.

Then it happens. The moment that my control snaps and any thought of taking this slow goes flying to the fucking moon.

“Take me.” She whispers the words so close to my ear that chills race over my skin.

She wants me to take her?

With pleasure.

She lets out a scream of surprise when I knife off the bed and jump to my feet. My shirt comes off in one quick movement. I grab a condom from my wallet while kicking off my shoes. My pants are shoved roughly down my hips. I leave my boxer briefs in place and pull my socks off while keeping my hungry eyes on her.

Throwing the condom on the bed next to where her body is, I reach my hands out and start to work the button at her waist. She lifts her upper body slightly before she pulls her shirt over her head and throws it somewhere behind her. She only loses her connection with my eyes when the material moves over her head.

I pause in my attempts to get the offending jeans from her legs at the sight of her hot pink lace bra. My mouth waters and I feel the tip of my cock strain against the elastic band holding my briefs up. Noticing my pause, she gives me a wink and reaches back. She unhooks the sinful garment and slowly moves the straps down her arms before letting it fall, freeing her full tits.

My fingers fumble with her jeans as whatever blood left in my brain drains straight to my cock. The button seems too small for my large fingers, and I let out a curse. I look down, breaking our connection, and attempt it again. She lets out a soft giggle and bats my hands away.

“Let me,” she hums.

I step back, and she moves to stand. Her heavy tits sway with each of her movements, and my mouth waters at the sight. Suddenly, I don’t give one shit about her pants; with those tits begging for my mouth, it takes a herculean effort to keep my feet planted in place. Her hands come up and have the button open before I can decide which one of her tits needs my mouth the most.

Probably the right one. It’s closer. No, now the left one is. Fuck.

She bends and takes her magnificent chest away from my perusal. I hear her laugh when I groan my complaint and adjust my cock before dropping my hand and holding them both next to my body, my fists clenching as I mentally tell myself that I need to calm the hell down.

I drop my head and roll it on my shoulders as I try to ease some of the tension I’m feeling right now. I’m just seconds—no, less than that—away from coming out of my skin. My control is gone, and the ability to slow down and make sure this is good for Willow is quickly evaporating. At this rate, I’m starting to wonder if I’ll even be able to slow my need for her down when the only layer keeping my cock caged is removed. The barbaric demands flowing through my veins are making me feel more animalistic in my primal instincts.

And then the choice is out of my hands. Completely and utterly gone.

My head snaps up when her hands slide into the waistband at my hips and push down. My cock, wet at the tip with a drop of pre-cum, springs forward and almost takes her eye out with its eagerness. Then those lips are wrapping around my thickness and the wet heat of her mouth is burning a trail down my shaft. Her brown eyes look up and meet my shocked gaze and the lust-filled enjoyment in them makes me groan. One hand comes up to circle my cock just below her lips and the other comes up to lift my heavy balls. The combined touch of her hands with the wet suction created by her mouth is making my knees weak.

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