The deep rumble of his disembodied voice pauses, and I imagine him taking a long sip from the glass you can hear ice clinking in before his sexy, gravelly tones are making love to my senses again. I bet he would even sound unbelievable with that smoky voice gruffly speaking the alphabet.

Ignoring the tightness coiling in my gut, I focus back on his voice. “—my understanding is that you believe Willow wouldn’t believe you when you told her that her presence was personally requested. By me. So, Willow, it would be my utmost pleasure if you were on that plane to Georgia as well. And so there isn’t anything misconstrued here, yes, I hope you’re able to come so Kirby is less overwhelmed with the magnitude of what’s expected of her, but I also hope you’ll come because I want you here. I imagine at this point you either are shocked or rolling those gorgeous brown eyes, but be sure, Willow, I most definitely have ulterior motives. Kirby, Sam will email you the travel instructions and all the other information you’ll need. Thank you for getting the contract back to me so quickly. I look forward to seeing you. Both of you.”

“Close your mouth, Willow,” Eddie rumbles from his crouched position on the floor as he sweeps up the shattered glass.

My wide eyes follow Kirby’s movements as she moves her phone from where she had been holding it in the air. With my mouth still slack with shock, I meet her confident regard. Of course, the woman has the most devious smirk on her face.

“Now, do you believe me?”

I nod.

“Are you shocked stupid?” Her smirk grows to a full-blown smile.

I nod.

“Planning on freaking out?” Her smile goes wonky.

I nod.

“Okay, I’ll give you that. But can we freak out while we talk about what you’ll be packing? I’m already halfway packed, and since Alli is on fall break next week, she and Rob will be coming down to spend the week and weekend with us while we settle in.”

I shake my head.

“What are you protesting to? The packing or my family joining us?”

“I love your family,” I tell her honestly.

“Ah, so it’s the packing.”

I nod.

“You’re going to turn into a bobble head if you keep that up,” Eddie smarts.

“I can’t go to Georgia,” I tell her, ignoring Eddie.

“Yes, you can, and you will,” he snaps. “You have nothing keeping you here, Willow. I’m about to leave for London, and Kirby’s going to need you. I’m not even going to touch that whole sexual fantasy come to life that Kane just delivered, but I swear to God, Will, if you ignore this, then you’re one stupid woman.”

“Hey!” I object. “I can’t just leave! I need to find a job. Sure, I have enough savings for a while, but I can’t just run off. Plus, I have … uh, I have plants?”

“You don’t have plants, Willow. Nice try. You killed the last one a month ago. Anyway, I’m glad you mentioned that. I’m going to need your account information. It’s in my contract for my assistant to be paid. So, your job slash income slash whatever the next excuse will be in that aspect is null and void. I’ll be back in the city every chance I get, and we can have Rob keep an eye on your place too. Come on, Willow. I need you.”

Knowing she has me with that, I pick a different line of protesting.

“What did he even mean?” I whisper, hearing the words crack with my lack of confidence and honest fear for what his message to me meant. “He doesn’t even know me. Why on earth would he make those demands?”

“I think it’s pretty clear what he means. He wants you.”

I drop to the couch next to Kirby and roll my neck against the back of the cushion to look at her. “There’s no way,” I demand with conviction. “There’s just no way.”

“What is it that shocks you so much about Kane Masters wanting you?” Eddie questions as he comes to sit on my other side. “What is so damn shocking that a beautiful man wouldn’t want an equally beautiful woman?”

I snort. Full-out graceless snort. Like a pig.

Eddie’s eyes narrow and Kirby sighs.

“Don’t you think it’s a little bizarre he would want me? I mean, come on! You see his image in every tabloid magazine each week. There is always a stunning Amazon of perfection at his side. Eddie, you were watching the television with me when that damn entertainment reporter said he was in a relationship! Spotted leaving a baby doctor! A man in a relationship that serious wouldn’t act like that.”

“You can’t believe everything you read in those papers, Willow. We know this. Hell, I see it often enough with the models in and out of my chair. They claim this about someone he’s gone on record, numerous times I should add, saying she is just a close friend of his.”

“You don’t know if it’s a lie made up by the tabloids or not, Eddie.”

He looks at me then over to Kirby and back at me. “So, ask him.”

“Yeah, right. Ignoring all of that, why me?”

“Why not you, Will?” Eddie snaps. “Do you even see how attractive you are? No, I guess you don’t, seeing as you keep hiding under clothes that are too big for your body and you go out of your way to downplay your beauty. You, Willow, are stunning, and if I have to drag you down South myself just so that Kane can help you realize that, I will, dammit!”

“Well said, Eddie!” Kirby exclaims and reaches out to slap his outreached palm in a high-five.

“This can’t be real. I can’t be … I can’t do … I can’t be that person he thinks I am.” I wheeze in panic.

“What exactly do you think he wants you to be?”

“Some sort of play toy? He’s known to be a playboy, Kirby. Whatever weird fascination he has with me will pass and I’ll be left to pick up the pieces. I’m not one of those perfect women who belong at his side. Oh God, maybe he wants me to be the other woman!”

“Just shut up!” Eddie snaps. “I’m so sick of you thinking you aren’t worthy. Honey, I get it. Kirby gets it. I used to be overweight too. You know I struggled with my self-perception for years, but Willow, you need to stop. I am so sick of watching you destroy yourself because you aren’t willing to see your worth. You’re stronger than that. You’ve come so far since that douchebag Brad.” Copyright 2016 - 2024