If it hadn’t been for Kirby speaking her name just seconds before, I might not have known it was Willow who stood before us facing off with Dominic Logan. She’s much slimmer than the last time I saw her. Her curves are still prevalent, but much less abundant than before. Just seeing her causes that connection we shared before to spark to life. Clearly, that isn’t lacking in the least. Even without seeing those beautiful eyes, I would know her anywhere—as crazy as that sounds even to me.

I was too busy perusing Willow’s lush body that I had zoned out until Kirby’s whimper caused my ears to perk up again.

“Yes, Willow. Are you happy now? The wrong woman died that day and every time I have to look into your eyes, the same eyes of your mother, I hate you more and more. So, do what I fucking said. After today, do me a favor and don’t turn back up. It would be nice not to have to see you again. Then maybe I could pretend it was you and not her who died!”

At Dominic’s words, I can feel my temper spiking. My anger soars through my bloodstream at the vile tone with which he’s speaking to his daughter. Before I can interject, Kirby’s harsh gasp has both of the office’s occupants swinging their heated gazes toward the doorway. I watch as the hurt soothes from Willow’s features when she sees Kirby; obviously, this is whom she had been heading to check on, and based on what we just walked in on, I would say she was just in time.

When those doe eyes move to lock with mine, embarrassment replaces her heartbreak, and I want to kick myself for being the cause, yet again, for added shame.

Shame that has no business ever crossing her face.

Shame that, despite not even knowing this woman, I would love to wipe from her features.

Those protective feelings once again confuse me. Not because they’re there, but because the intensity of them, so much stronger at this meeting, shocks me to my core. I know nothing about her, yet I would do anything I could at this moment to fix whatever is harming her.

Not able to stand the silence any longer, I speak, trying to ease her pain the only way I can right now. With my words. “Are you okay?”

“Uh …” she stutters. Fuck, she’s adorable. Even her pain can’t mask her appeal.

“Right,” I reply with a small smile, reminding me of her stumbled words at our first meeting. Moving my gaze from hers, I lock eyes with her bastard father. Or stepfather, according to my investigation into their backgrounds. Any chance he had of getting me to help his company crawl from their looming home in the forgotten bowels of the industry is long forgotten. Willow makes a startled noise, and I move my angry focus from her father and back to her. Willing myself to calm so she feels safe with me.

I hold her eyes just a beat before allowing myself a quick glance at the body haunting my dreams since I first saw her. Fuck, those tits still make my mouth water, but the rest of her causes my body to harden with desire, despite the hostile environment we’re standing in.

Her black dress isn’t tight by any means, but it also doesn’t hide the stunning, luscious body underneath it. A body I would love to get my hands on and my body over. My cock tightens at the thought of my fingers digging into the soft skin around her hips.

She shifts uncomfortably under my scrutiny, and her hands come up to pull the fabric away from her frame. What the hell? I can feel my eyes narrow, and her hands start to pull more of her dress. No way? No fucking way. What reasons could she possibly have to make a self-conscious move like that? Does she have no clue how beautiful she is?

“Stop it,” I demand, and I’m instantly rewarded when her hands drop.

Before I can return my eyes to hers, Dominic’s voice interrupts. “Kane, you’ll have to forgive me. I thought our appointment was later today. Willow was just leaving.”

My heated, anger-filled gaze flits to his, and once again, I can feel my anger burning like an out of control wildfire. I’m vaguely aware of Kirby moving toward Willow. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch her stand at her side and take Willow’s hand, but I don’t move my focus from the man before me. He’s around my parents’ age, but where they have a presence that is open, accepting, and loving, this man holds none of that. I can hear the two women whispering to each other, but I don’t move. Fuck, I’m not even sure I’m breathing as I refuse to back down from Dominic’s cold stare. He won’t dominate me.

“Is this how you treat your own family, Dominic? I would hate to see how you treat someone outside of that bond.”

He narrows his eyes, but at the risk of pissing me off, I can tell he’s measuring his response. God forbid he show his true colors, that we had the displeasure of already witnessing, to someone like me. Someone with the power I wield.

“I’m sorry you had to witness that, Kane. It’s unfortunate, but it seems like my stepdaughter needed a firm hand. You’ll understand one day when you have kids of your own. It’s necessary to be hard. Please sit, I’ll have Ivy set up the conference room.” His cold, calculating eyes leave mine and focus on the woman of the hour. “Willow?”

Apparently, he thinks the fact she isn’t his own flesh and blood gives him the right to talk to her as if she’s nothing. I know damn well he has been the only father she’s known. I look over at Willow quickly enough to catch her gaze on its way up from my chest before she looks back over at Dominic.

“Sir?” she asks weakly.

“A word?” he questions, and before giving her a second to respond, he starts to move around his desk.

I lose her eyes, but her shoulders drop in what looks like relief for just a second before she catches her slip and straightens her posture, showing her strength in an impossible situation.

When I look back at Dominic, he’s standing in front of me, obviously hoping I’ll move. Fat chance of that, asshole. Standing to my full height, I look down into his eyes and don’t hold back the fact I find this whole scene disgusting. I give him a few beats before looking back at Willow, giving her the lead, the power Dominic is doing his best to wipe from her bones.

I can see the wheels moving behind her shocked eyes. Her mouth moves, but before she can speak, a new voice interrupts.

“Oh, Kane, sweetheart! It’s been ages,” the voice speaks.

What the fuck? I remember her instantly as the woman from the law firm’s offices. While I’m trying to figure out what the hell she’s doing here, I hear Willow’s whispers before she’s pulling Kirby behind toward the door. My shock holds me still as she moves past me, but my body fires to life when her body brushes against mine. Those tits I’ve imagined bouncing in my face as she rides my cock rub against my chest, and I exhale a breath to try to feel more of her.

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