“Kane, if you would follow me, I can take you back to Steven’s office while he’s busy,” Stacy purrs from where she’s now standing next to us. Her hands propped on her trim hips don’t hide the clear annoyance on her face. Can she not fucking see the woman struggling right under her nose? What a bitch.

“Are you okay, Willow?” I try again desperate to see those brown eyes again. I’m at a loss as to how to help her—how to protect her. This feeling of not being able to control the situation is doing nothing but amping up the adrenaline-fueled desire pumping through my system.

Her eyes move back up to mine. Is she shocked I’m still here? Or shocked that I care?

“I’m … I’ll—thank you for asking, but I’ll be fine.” Her words are reassuring, but her eyes show me how close she is to breaking.

With the need to protect her riding me, I attempt again to get her to allow me to help. “Right. I’ve no doubt about that, Willow. But it would ease my mind if you would at least allow me to offer some assistance.”

“That’s okay, Mr. Masters. I’m sure you have more important things to do. Thank you, though.”

She couldn’t be further from the truth. “Nothing that can’t wait for me to help a beautiful woman out,” I reply, trying to lighten the mood, but the second the words leave my mouth, I realize how gravely I miscalculated this beauty before me. She snaps her head back at my words, and before I can reach her, she cracks her head against the wood table she had been crouched in front of while collecting her belongings. “Shit,” I say under my breath pissed at myself for jumping her like an overeager hunter, spooking the doe-eyed fawn before I could even get close enough.

My body moves on autopilot, and before I know what I’m doing, the protective instincts she incites roar higher to a life of their own. My fingers thread into her thick hair, and I rub the spot she knocked with my fingertips. Her eyes dilate, and I know I’m not the only one who feels this connection between us.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. Please …” I watch her eyes shimmer, and I curse myself again when the feeling of failure hits me.

Not wanting to be the reason for her tears, I release my hold with a deep exhale. Losing the link to her warm skin has me clenching my hands again. Looking for something to keep busy so I don’t scare her again, I move to help gather the rest of her stuff, placing them slowly back into her bag. When the last pen is dropped inside, she grabs it and slams the bag against her chest.

A move of protection.

From me.

Fucking hell.

“Thank you,” she softly mumbles, her eyes once again refusing to meet mine.

“It was nothing.” It was everything.

“Well, thank you nonetheless. I’m sorry for interrupting your morning.”

I smile at the spark I hear in her tone. There’s the girl behind that fear. “At the risk of sounding like a jerk, the interruption was my pleasure.”

Her eyes snap to mine, and she just blinks at me. Her long lashes fan against her porcelain skin with every downward blink.


“Good luck in there, beautiful Willow.” Don’t leave. “Until next time,” I vow, mentally promising myself this will not be the last time I have my hands on her.

It takes herculean strength to move away from the hold she has on me. Each step feels as if an invisible cord is tugging at my chest.

Step—tighter. Another step—the cord jerks, and I turn to look back at her shocked face. Those beautiful wide eyes round with questions.

Soon, little doe … soon.


UNFORTUNATE TIMING PUT ME OUT of the country on location filming for longer than I had wanted. Making it back to my little doe-eyed beauty was stalled even longer when I had to deal with some issues that had arisen back in LA. Add to that the obligations I had for press junkets for my next film’s release, and then I was finally able to come back to New York City.

Just as determined as I was the day I left.

Only this time, I have to deal with rumors floating around me that could potentially fuck up my chances with my doe. Stupid rumors I’m powerless to do anything about until it’s safe. Christ, when will I learn? One phone call two months ago was all it took for me to forget reporters are everywhere. They see everything.

“Did you get me the appointment?” I demand before shifting my phone to my other ear.

“Yeah, Kane. Not sure I understand your motivation in approaching the Logan Agency, but your appointment is set. You do realize that the cast has been set for Impenetrable? Extras were cast a long time ago. Hell, you’re in final stages of production, Kane. You don’t need anyone else. And … why the hell are you off on a scouting mission when you pay people to do that for you?”

I move around my penthouse apartment to the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city and mentally remind myself why I don’t want to kill my best friend and overall confidant in all aspects of my life.

“Seriously, Mia?”

“Okay, I mean, I kind of understand your plan, but I don’t think I can see what the end game is here? We both know this façade of finding models to act as extras is a bunch of bullshit. So, tell me. After you get in, how will you get the girl?”

I laugh. Leave it to Mia to see right through me. We’ve been close since high school drama class and that hasn’t changed since we both hit the big screen running. Most of the media assume that because of our closeness, we’re hiding a relationship, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. Mia and I will never have anything past friendship. We tried it, briefly, and thankfully, it didn’t ruin our friendship.

“I figured I would handle it like I do most things in my life, Mia. Wing it.”

Her lyrical laughter comes through the line, causing me to smile. “Yeah, Mr. Big Badass … not sure this is one of those times. From what I hear, Dominic Logan is a real hard ass. If you aren’t genuine in your interest, he’s going to see right through you.”

“You would be right, but lucky for me, he has a lot to gain here. From all the research I’ve done on the Logan Agency in the past six months, it’s a dying company. He’s overextended himself and his money, and fortunately for me, he’s grasping at straws to stay afloat. He’s lost more than fifty percent of his models this year alone when they refused to renew their contract. His lead photographer is leaving the agency, and there are rumors that more under his command are planning their exit as well. Best I can tell, I’m his savior.”

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