
Xander was losing control. He was a wreck, and he had a feeling that Mercedes knew it. At the moment, the only thing that was keeping him together was her arms around him. He was so lost in her, he feared he was going to say something that would send her running from him, but he couldn’t seem to focus.

The way her body clasped him, pulling him deeper, holding him tighter, Xander didn’t ever want it to end.


He wanted to feel her surrounding him just like this for the rest of his goddamn life.

Never had he lost control like this. He didn’t even know he was capable of it.

It was the emotional overload, he knew that much. Between what he was feeling for her and what he’d learned at lunch, he wasn’t doing a good job of keeping the emotion on lockdown.

“Look at me.”

Mercedes’s voice called to him, and he lifted his head, meeting her gaze. God, he loved this woman. He’d cared about her for a long time, he’d even loved her. But not like this. Not with all that he was and all that he ever would be.

It didn’t have a damn thing to do with the sex, although he wasn’t quite sure two people had ever been more perfect for one another. In all of his life, after all of the women he’d been with, never had he felt this. This blazing inferno that scorched him to his very soul. Mercedes was all that he wanted, all that he needed and the world could probably come crashing down around them, and he just wouldn’t care.

“Aww, fuck,” he groaned when she tightened her muscles around him.

Gripping her hips to still her, Xander sucked in a breath, trying his damnedest not to lose complete control.

“Let go, X. Let go for me,” Mercedes encouraged.

Looking into the brilliant gray depths of her eyes, Xander realized she wasn’t trying to top him. She just wanted him to let go. To give in to her.

Shifting, he lifted her slightly and angled himself so that he could thrust up into her, driving his cock deeper, harder. He was in control, but so was she even if she didn’t realize it.

“M,” he growled.

“Come for me,” she said, her hands coming to rest on his face, holding him so that he had no choice but to look at her. “Come with me.”

“Fuck!” he growled, his release pulled from him by her and the sweet words that shredded him from the inside out.

He continued to drive up inside of her until she was groaning, her hands tightening on his face, but she kept her eyes on him.

“Come for me, baby,” he said softly. “Let me feel all of you.”

With that, Mercedes came, her eyes never closing and what he saw reflecting back at him gave him hope.

Chapter Thirty

Day Five…


Tossing and turning as the dream pulled her deeper, no matter how hard she tried, Mercedes couldn’t force herself awake so she let it consume her.

The clock on the wall read just after five when Mercedes stepped into her condo. Having just finished with a rather intense meeting with a pain in the ass client, she was ready for a little downtime.

More than ready.

Glancing around, she noticed that everything seemed the same as when she’d left early that morning. Her housekeeper had come by, but that was the only evidence that anyone else had been there.

But there was someone else who was supposed to be waiting for her. Because she’d instructed him to before she’d left that morning.

Xander would be there. She knew it.

Because that’s what he would do. He would follow the rules to the letter, do exactly as she instructed. Without question. Without argument.

It wasn’t real. He wasn’t a sub. But she was sure he’d play the part because that was what they’d agreed to.

Of all the subs she’d taken in the years she’d been a Domme, Xander would be by far the most obedient, even if he’d only been acting as her sub for just a few short hours.

For whatever reason, his unerring ability to please her was starting to drive her a little crazy. First it had been a phone call, his easy ability to call her Mistress. And the emails from him, letting her know what he was doing and where he was going.

He was the perfect pet. Compliant, obedient, always agreeing. She knew she should be counting her blessings, but found even that difficult because this wasn’t Xander. The man whose body had become that of a subservient submissive lacked something.


Then again, she was pretty sure Xander did that on purpose, although she would never accuse him of topping from the bottom. He knew what she wanted, what she expected. And vice versa. They’d been friends long enough that they understood each other that well.

During their brief few days together, Xander had allowed her to explore a part of herself that she hadn’t known still existed. He had driven her to want things she swore she didn’t want. But it was him. Only him who made her want these things.

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