“You’re meeting my parents,” he told her with a smirk.

“I’ve already met your parents,” she retorted with a smile. “Many, many times.”

“But this is different.”

“How so?”

“This time you’re meeting them as my sub.”

That statement got the tension ratcheting up another notch, her chest suddenly feeling tight once more. “Since they don’t know you’re a Dom, I seriously doubt you’ll tell them I’m your temporary sub.” She hoped he wouldn’t.

There was a light that seemed to turn off in his eyes, but Xander tried to pretend he wasn’t affected by whatever she’d said. “Maybe I’ll tell them all about it.”

Crap. Temporary. That’s what she’d said that had bothered him. And she suddenly wished she could take it back because she wanted to put a smile on his face. Instead, she gave him a weak grin and said, “Maybe you won’t.”

What had started as a who could top who double dare just a few days ago had quickly morphed into something entirely unexpected, and Mercedes had to wonder whether he felt what was transpiring between them the same way she did.

It was more than just sex. A lot more.

At least for her it was.

Before Mercedes could question him, which she wasn’t even sure she wanted to do, the limo came to a stop and Xander reached for the door. Once outside, he held out his hand to her and she reached for it, taking comfort in the strength of his hand against hers. Even when she was out of the car, he didn’t let go of her hand and that simple gesture had more relief flooding her.

Yeah, it was plain as day… she’d fallen for this man.

Head first.


Xander figured it would take something epic to shake him up. Today, it had been a combination of things.

Ever since he woke up at three o’clock that morning with a warm, soft woman curled up to his side, he’d known. His life had been altered. Irrevocably.

Never did he imagine one beautiful woman would be the reason he felt off center. Nor did he ever expect that one single woman would could keep him together at a time he thought he might just fall apart.

Ok, so maybe he had anticipated that Mercedes Bryant held the power to make him feel things he wasn’t used to. Thinking that and knowing that were two very different things though. And the way she made him feel… well, it scared the shit out of him.

No, he wasn’t thinking about running and hiding in a closet and hoping she’d high tail it out the same way she came in.

Actually, he was feeling the exact opposite.

Xander was ready to lay at her feet and reveal every single emotion she made him feel. Starting with love.

Yes, that’s correct. Love. The big “L” word that terrified most people.

It didn’t terrify him, but he knew Mercedes would likely run for the hills if he did confess as much to her. He had an overwhelming urge to tie this amazing, beautiful woman to his bed and never let her go.

Only he knew he had to keep his distance. They were only a few days into this, and he knew without a doubt that Mercedes wasn’t as comfortable with her feelings as he was with his. And wasn’t that a fucking shame because Xander had never in his life felt what she made him feel when she was near.

“Have you ever been here before?” Mercedes asked as they made their way up the steps toward the building whose sign boasted the name and the glass windows gave them a glimpse inside.

“Once,” he told her. “With my father.”

“And he wants to go again?” she asked with a grin.

“My father would probably go every single day if we lived here.” It was true. Stan Boone was a football fan. He was also Xander’s biggest fan. And it wasn’t just because he’d played football in high school and then in college. His father loved football, but Xander knew he loved him more.

“Has your mother been here before?”

“Not that I know of. You’ll both be Hall of Fame virgins.”

Mercedes laughed, and Xander realized what he’d said. He couldn’t help it, he laughed as well and tightened his grip on Mercedes’s fingers. He loved having her there with him. Especially like this.

Once they stepped through the main doors, Xander’s eyes attempted to focus on the lighting change but before he could make out more than mere shadows of the people standing inside, he heard her voice.


It was his mother.

Xander released Mercedes’s hand as Stella approached, her smile making her entire face light up. Unable to do anything more, he stood there with his arms open wide. Stella walked right into them, and he hugged his mother, kissing her on the cheek before taking a step back.

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