“I think I should come visit,” he told her firmly, knowing ultimately that she wouldn’t put up a fight.

“Fine. If you insist.”

Xander laughed out loud. “I insist, Mother.”

“Good. Then that’s settled. I’ll let you know when we move on and where we’re going. But for the next few days, I’m going to make him stay right where we are. At least until I know for sure he’s not going to hurt himself again.”

“Is he around?”

“Of course.”

“Can I talk to him?”

There was some shuffling on the phone and then his father’s gruff tone sounded in his ear.

“What did she tell you?”

“That the two of you were hanging from the rafters and had just moved on to swinging from the ceiling fan. Something about hot, monkey sex, Dad. It wasn’t a good visual, and I absolutely have no interest in talking about it,” Xander said deadpan.

“Oh, dear Lord,” Stan Boone groaned. “Why in the world would she tell you something like that?”

Xander laughed again. “Please, Dad. Do not go into detail. I really don’t want to know.”

“Good, then I won’t. When are you coming to see us?”

That was his father. Always right to the point and never ashamed to let him know that he preferred him to come visit. That sealed Xander’s plans, so he answered with, “Give me a couple of days. I’ll let you know when I can head out.”

“What are you working on? Buying up the other half of downtown?”

“I’m trying,” he chuckled as he shook his mouse to make the monitor come online.

“Seriously. Did you hear anything more on the Milton building?”

“Not yet. Mercedes is putting in an offer for me. I’m hoping we’ll know something more by the end of the week.”

“That’s a smart move, son.” Stan wasn’t into real estate by trade; however, he was interested in everything that Xander did, so through the years, he’d made a point to know the ins and outs of the real estate market.

“I thought so,” he answered easily.

“Are you going to X-hale tonight?”

Shit. Was it the third Thursday of the month already? Xander pulled up the calendar on his computer. Yep. It was. “Yeah, I’m going over there.”

“Tell Shane hello for us,” Stan told him. “One of these days, maybe we’ll be back down there. You can take me again.”

Xander was pretty sure he heard something in his dad’s voice, something very much like longing. But he didn’t question him, rather saying, “I’d like that, Dad.”

Going to X-hale – the cigar bar Xander purchased and renamed roughly four years ago – was a monthly thing, something both he and Shane looked forward to. For the year before his mother and father headed out on the road, Xander would invite his father as well. Not that he went often, but the few times he did, Xander knew the man had enjoyed himself.

“Look, Dad. I’ve got a conference call in a few. Tell Mom I love her and that I’ll see you both in a couple of days.”

“Will do,” Stan answered. “And try not to think about your mother and me on those rafters, will you?”

Xander laughed, just as his father had probably intended, as the call disconnected. Leave it to his father to try and torment him. The man was always trying to come up with something.


Mercedes was dressed and downstairs just in time to see Xander walking into his kitchen. She was carrying her shoes and heading for the coffee pot, hoping she didn’t look as harried as she felt.

Snatching a cup from the cabinet, she dropped her shoes on the floor and grabbed the coffee pot. God, even one cup would go a long way to improving her morning. As it was, she wasn’t sure she could function without at least a little caffeine.

“I can’t believe you didn’t wake me up,” she chastised him when he came up behind her.

“You looked so peaceful. If I had my way, you’d still be in my bed,” he mumbled close to her ear, pulling her hair back from her neck and placing a kiss to the sensitive spot that made her shiver.

“I have a meeting,” she told him, pulling away to glance at her cell phone. “Shit. I’m actually late.”

“Where’s your meeting?” Xander took her coffee cup from her hand and placed it on the counter before turning to the refrigerator to retrieve the creamer.

“Not far from here,” she informed him. “I’m meeting a client.” Fidgeting with her shoes, Mercedes finally managed to get the damn things on, and when she turned back to Xander, he was holding out her coffee mug.

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