Chapter Sixteen

Xander was adept at controlling his reaction but even more so at expressing his thoughts with just a look. He hoped like hell Mercedes wasn’t having a problem reading his thoughts. The way her pretty gray eyes widened told him she was not far off on assuming what he was thinking.

Rather than address her transgression right there in the middle of the club, he opted to give her direction, a little foundation they could build on. They’d be moving this party somewhere else in the very near future, but until then, he wanted to make sure they were on the same page.

Based on her attitude thus far, they weren’t even reading from the same book.

Xander fully intended to change that.

Right fucking now.

“I want you at my side at all times. Not in front of me, not behind me,” he ordered, making sure his voice remained hard. “From this point on, I’ll make the decisions, understand?”

He shouldn’t have had to explain himself that much. Had she been one of his regular subs, he’d have bent her over his knee and spanked her ass, drawing any and all attention to her.

Apparently he was losing his fucking touch. This woman was getting to him more than he should be allowing, that was for damn sure.

Her reaction was exactly what he expected. She was likely trying to figure out what she could do to pull him back from the edge. What she didn’t seem to realize was that it was a little too late for that.

Undermining his authority as her Dom while in public was one violation he would not tolerate. It was a blatant sign of disrespect, and he deserved more than that.

Xander knew this wasn’t going to be easy and it damn sure wasn’t going to fall into that neat little box that he usually reserved for his subs. But it certainly was going to be worth it even if he had to remind himself that Mercedes wasn’t a sub. Well, technically, she was tonight.

But, he couldn’t be too lenient on her because the woman knew damn well what she was doing. She probably knew exactly what his response would be too. He’d seen her in action more times than he could count. She didn’t take this sort of attitude from the subs she played with. Ever.

No, Mercedes Bryant was hard core, demanding respect from anyone, especially from her subs.

Keeping his eyes trained on her, he waited for her to respond. She didn’t, and it pissed him off a little because he knew she was doing it on purpose. She was testing him.

Topping from the bottom.

Fuck. How had he not seen that?

“Do you understand me?” he asked, his voice echoing his frustration.

For a brief moment, he wondered whether Mercedes was going to lose every ounce of her gumption. He knew the way her mind worked, and if he had to guess, she was quickly rethinking this.

Mercedes had made it crystal clear by her actions that she absolutely detested feeling vulnerable and weak and at the moment, with the way Xander purposely glared at her, he was sure she was feeling exactly that.

Rather than use words like he’d instructed her to, she nodded, and his frustration flashed hot and bright.

Without hesitating, Xander smoothly reached around and fisted her hair firmly, but gently, pulling her flush against him. He wasn’t hurting her, not even a little bit, but he knew the aggressive action had certainly caught her attention.

She looked like she was ready to tell him to go to hell.

To his surprise, she didn’t move, and she didn’t say a word.

But he never said anything either, just continued to pin her with his eyes.

It must’ve dawned on her that he was waiting for a response. A verbal one, because she finally answered.

“Yes, Sir,” she responded breathlessly.

“That’s more like it,” he said, his tone fierce. He leaned down until his mouth brushed her ear before he continued. “Tonight, you belong to me, pet. All mine. I advise you get into the right frame of mind, or you really won’t like what I have in store for you.”

Or maybe she would. Maybe that’s what this was. She was pushing him. The idea made him laugh, except it made perfect sense.


Was she seriously anticipating punishment? Submitting to him by acting out and forcing him to take a harder stance?

“I’ll leave the two of you alone,” Shane told them and Mercedes did try to pull away from him then.

Xander didn’t allow her to move, he kept one arm banded around her waist, his other hand still fisted in her hair. “We’ll catch you later,” Xander told Shane firmly, never breaking eye contact with Mercedes.

Once Shane had retreated, he released his hold on her, holding on long enough to ensure she was steady on her feet before letting go completely.

“Don’t move,” he told her as he slipped back to the bar and retrieved the small bag that he’d stashed earlier. While he was there, he whispered instructions to the bartender. Once he received a nod of agreement, he went back to Mercedes. Copyright 2016 - 2024