Mercedes’s body went stone still, her breaths slamming in and out of her lungs as her climax gripped her. She thought she was hiding it, but Xander felt the way her pussy clamped onto his finger, the way she trembled in his arms.

He didn’t care if she came quietly or if she screamed so that the fucking neighbors came running to help her. Either way, he was going to make her come again. Very, very soon.

When she finally relaxed, Xander pulled her to him, ignoring the hard on that was now pounding incessantly between his legs. She might not want to be close to him at the moment, but he couldn’t seem to let her go.


Mercedes wasn’t sure how much more of this she could handle. Xander had somehow found a direct link to her pleasure receptors, and he could set her off faster than anything, including her favorite vibrator.

Now that she was boneless from another intense climax at this man’s hands, she wasn’t sure how she was going to be able to continue to deny him.

Eventually, he was going to realize she was on the verge of giving in.

Oh, hell, he already knew that much. She was the only one who believed otherwise.

When she finally caught her breath, Mercedes pulled out of Xander’s arms and looked up at him. She reached down to readjust her skirt but realized he’d already done that.

“I’ve got to take a call in a few minutes,” Xander said, still hovering above her. “It’ll be over at noon.” He paused long enough to tip her head back so that she was looking at him. “I want you to seriously think about what I’ve requested. If you choose to give me the five days, I expect to see you in my office at that time.”

“A little quick, don’t you think?” she retorted, suddenly unsure of herself.

“No, I don’t. If I had my way, I’d be inside you right here. Right now.”

A tremor of need shook her from the inside out. The raspy tone of his voice said he was on the edge too.

“Five days, Mercedes. I want you for five solid days.”

“I don’t think I’ll last five hours,” she told him honestly. She wasn’t a submissive. It wasn’t like she could flip a switch and become something she wasn’t. That’s what happened in romance novels, not in real life. And this damn sure wasn’t…

“Give me five days to prove you wrong.”

… a romance.

Could he read her mind? She hoped not.

Regardless, Mercedes wasn’t going to give him an answer right then. She had until noon, which was… shit. It was only a little more than thirty minutes away. Not nearly enough time to make a life altering decision like that one.

Xander leaned down, pressing his lips to hers gently and then he pulled back. As soon as he stepped away, she feared she might just slide down to the floor. Had it not been for the windows at her back, she would’ve done just that.

She watched as his impressive form walked right out of the conference room without looking back.

Dropping into the chair closest to her, Mercedes spun around and stared out the window. How was she supposed to make a decision like this?

Five freaking days. Was the man serious?

And when the hell had she even decided she might possibly be able to do this?

What was she supposed to do now? Did she write out a list of pros and cons? Probably wouldn’t help because she knew good and damn well the pros list would be significantly longer than the cons.

After all, this was Xander Boone she was talking about.

The man was infuriating, he was sexy, he was intimidating in a crazy provocative way, and he was downright relentless when he wanted something. She’d seen it on a recurring basis with the properties he wanted. He didn’t take no for an answer, and he didn’t even have to resort to threats to get what he wanted.

He just got it.

People rolled over for the man. He had such a persuasive personality; he could get someone to agree, and they would somehow think that the idea had been theirs in the first place.

And now he’d put her in his sights.

Mercedes knew what her answer was going to be. It wasn’t an easy decision, but she didn’t have a choice. As much as she wanted to tell him no, she knew she wouldn’t. Giving him five days to prove himself wrong seemed the lesser of two evils. She wasn’t going to be able to give up control. Not even to him.

Now she just had to come up with a plan to come out a winner at the end of all this. Because being a loser, which meant she’d give her heart and soul to this man, wasn’t even an option.

Chapter Eight

Logan held Sam’s hand as he led her around to the passenger side of his truck. They’d worked from home for most of the morning and were just now heading into XTX for an impromptu, not to mention highly inconvenient, Wednesday afternoon meeting with Xavier Thomas, President and CEO of XTX Industries. Not by choice, mind you. If he had his way, Logan would push the meeting to tomorrow and crawl back in bed with his beautiful wife. Copyright 2016 - 2024