Those in the meeting then fanned out to all the various huts so that all within Hayshua would know what to do.

“The family of Yousho must be forgiven for these actions,” said Elder Meesi. “We also have a young man named Yousho who has an entire life ahead of him. It is our desire to support this young man becoming what he is to become in our village. He must grow strong and more assured of his nature and place within Hayshua.”

“Our village must have our youth learn our ways and become members that help sustain Hayshua,” said another council member. “There is no punishment necessary and forgiveness brings the relief and ability to free oneself from the past hurts and mistakes.”

That night a large number of fires were lit around the perimeter of Hayshua. Every village member stayed within this perimeter. As they were told, all gathered at the hut of Yousho and his family. Yousho stayed inside.

Chanting and singing started. “Hayshua is a place of peace. Hayshua is a place of care.” was the chant. “Hayshua is a place of peace. Hayshua is a place of care. Hayshua is a place of peace. Hayshua is a place of care.”

Everyone continued this chant for about half an hour. Then for the next five minutes they started again. This time they said the chant a little faster each time. Hayshua is a place of peace! Hayshua is a place of care! Copyright 2016 - 2025