A sixth council member headed the spiritual practices of Hayshua. This was elder Meesi. He was a lover of god who had not told his people that god was one. The people of Hayshua worshipped many gods. Elder Meesi wanted desperately to tell his people that the worship of multiple gods was inaccurate. This caused Elder Meesi great anxieties. His group consisted of about six ministerial persons and each of them had one assistant. Spirituality was very important within Hayshua. This group was also responsible for medical practices and the education of the children within Hayshua.

Education within Hayshua focused on serving the needs of the Hayshua Village. It also focused on the gods who each was taught to serve. Their spiritual nature was nourished by these teachings. It was Kaori and Yousho who put the later additions of language.

The seventh council member created all the clothing within Hayshua. This group also created moccasins for the feet of the Hayshua people. Much of this clothing was made from animal pelts. Since the weather of the region of the world was pleasant almost year round, clothing covered the private parts of the body.

The leader of the council was Elder Meesi. He led the people in prayer that morning. He also organized the search parties looking for Yousho. Each group was asked to pray before they set out on their mission to find Yousho. Since Hayshua was a village of order, the groups set out in a simple, but effective search pattern which assured that there would be some information gathered quickly on Yousho’s whereabouts.

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