“That rock does not have any meaning. That flower has no meaning. That cloud has no meaning,” Ibuki stated as she asked Kaori to continue repeating after her.

“We will do these exercises for several days for a short period. Kaori, my dear sweet one, I want you to gain your meanings from the spirits. You are to learn from them. Gain nothing from what your eyes or ears tell you about this world.”

“These exercises are to open your mind to the spirit world from which you are to learn. You are still young, but this is a good time to learn all you can from the spirits,” stated Ibuki.

“I will instruct you such that you can really enjoy your learning. You are naturally happy and I feel your joy. I will not continue to suggest that only the spirits can teach you. As you clear you mind of unnecessary clutter, the light of the spirits teach with such passion and joy. I am happy that you have this opportunity.”

Ibuki continued to train Kaori in many exercises as well as the use of potions to assist her learning the healing methods of her grandmother. True to her word, the learning was immediately joyful. Though timeless, this training continued for months. Short and sweet Kaori expressed her joy.

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