A singer of great strength and power, Gendua made an impression on the people as she and her parents traveled together. She enjoyed creating songs to strengthen the heart.

“Love the gods, love them with all that you are and they bless you sweetly,” says Gendua.

This was one of the songs she had created and sang it with vigor and this was the delight of her mother and father. This child also danced and performed many times to the delight of her parents.

Ibuki and her husband settled in Mento and lived there until the death of this husband. After this death, Ibuki moved to Hayshua and was immediately welcomed into this village. One household had taken in both Ibuki and her daughter Gendua the first night she arrived in Hayshua. Ibuki had come to participate in the prayer chants of this village one night and never left after this date.

Treating illnesses of many types as well as setting bones in splints to mend them was one of the practices that Ibuki had brought to Hayshua. She had been in the village for about a week before people began to line up to see her each morning for healing treatments of whatever was needed. This went on for about a month before the village built her a hut to live on her own and provide space for treatment of illnesses.

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