After sitting in silence for a few moments, Kaori walked quietly through the area.

An hour later Kaori continued to speak to her spirit.

“I feel like a person who has returned from a dark place. Thank you for this life dear spirit. I so completely love you. I also know that you love me. I will accept your silence right now. I do remember what you told me previously about your silence. You do not have grudges. I was the one who turned away. I am back with you now. I have not heard your voice today, but I remember your love. You have told me to remember that I cannot lose your love,” said Kaori.

Chapter 4

If you then, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your

Father in heaven give to those

who ask him.

Ibuki the Medicine Woman

Ibuki (pronounced I-boo-kee) was the grandmother of Kaori. She was the last true medicine woman of Hayshua. She had assumed this position and was on the council of Hayshua at the time of her death. Ibuki used herbs and sound to heal sickness. Ibuki was also a lover of the spirit world and leaned on this world for information and assistance where needed. She taught that one of the purposes of a medicine woman was to alleviate pain in all forms. This also meant that her duties took her beyond the needs of the Hayshua people alone. She was a traveling woman most of her life. She lived in the hut of the family of Kaori for the last fifteen years of her life. Copyright 2016 - 2025