Later that evening, each did begin to think about their disagreement while lying in their cot. Wide awake, Kaori just decided to go to a corner of the hut to pray over her thoughts. Yousho was aware that Kaori was awake. After an hour, Yousho began to want to talk about the matter.

He moved to the area of the hut where Kaori sat and then lit a few candles.

“We should speak further,” Kaori suggested.

“I have never thought about leaving you previously, Yousho. Ours is a marriage that I treasure.”

“My dear Kaori, maybe I have been too distant. We are both busy, but ours is that of leadership which I also treasure. I have told you of the times that I thought about you prior to that evening of the Jontoo. You are also aware of my past with Sumno and my friend Nu.”

“Beloved husband, this is not the first time I have spoken unkindly toward you. There are times when we seem to be avoiding one another. I love my prayer life and find that I do spend times alone, but that is necessary and there are those times when you are strongly desired. I believe that comes with the relationship with the spirits. Feelings are aroused.”

“Our spirits can help us with this. Can you see that somehow this must transfer to our lives? In many ways it has.” Copyright 2016 - 2025