An herbal mixture was created from some plants found in the meadows. This was the pain relieving medication and had been used by Kaori’s grandmother.

The people of Hayshua were also adept at providing great care of their bodies. Cleanliness and regular bathing was a necessity. Care of the teeth was also of importance within Hayshua. A particular bark was commonly chewed to clean the teeth. Somehow this bark had a particular appeal as it had a taste that most of the people of Hayshua found pleasing.

Both Yousho and Kaori taught their people that they must condition both their minds and their bodies to be fit instruments for the gods. In particular, they taught their people that each person is to become a servant of the gods and serve the people of Hayshua as their service to the gods. It is in this way that they learn of their particular purpose and are given a wealth of talents. They taught that through an attitude of prayer, surrender, and servitude the gods share their talents with the person who adopts such an attitude.

“You must understand that the gods do not care if you become a servant or not. You will learn that a servant is the way to extract additional power from these gods,” said Kaori to her people one morning. Copyright 2016 - 2025