The Hayshua area has a rolling landscape and was set in a comfortable weather pattern that was very mild. Trees dominate the landscape, making it very beautiful.

To the southwest were the meadows, which have the same rolling landscape with high grasses. The plant life had an appeal that is difficult to escape without finding yourself breathless. Trees are not in abundance throughout the meadows. The meadows flowed to the west and seem to expand when one stepped into it. Beauty dominated this area and the people enjoy it. This relaxed the people and caused them to operate as if they were held in beauty.

In fact, one of the principles of the Hayshua way is that each person is actually held by their spirit. In that the spirit is taught to be extreme good, the appearance of the area supports what the Hayshuans believe.

The Hayshua area is like a vortex of energies that could medicate and teach with a profound simplicity. The simplicity of the Hayshua life, wherein everyone was under the care of the village made things easy for members of the Hayshua community.

To the north the landscape is hilly and heavily wooded. Further to the northeast is the well populated kingdom of Reine (pronounced ray-knee). It is because of the existence of the Reine Kingdom that some of the people of the Hayshua area are sometimes concerned. Copyright 2016 - 2025