Yousho decided to leave before Kaori finished her song and she never knew he was there. As he exited the hut, he thought about the woman he had admired. He went to his friend Nu, and told him of the incident, saying that he felt a great deal of power emanating from Kaori as he stood near her.

“I really want to spend more time with her,” Yousho said. “Hopefully it won’t be necessary to reinjure myself to make this happen.”

Yousho decided to walk out of the village to think more about what was happening to him.

“I am pleased that I did not disturb Kaori’s prayers, but I do desire a closer relationship with her,” he said to himself quietly.

“I still have mixed feelings about starting this warrior group. I must work hard at this in spite of the confusion I feel.”

He then closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths as he sat on a stump.

Suddenly a warm smile came to Yousho’s face. His entire body felt this joy. He then arose from his sitting position and returned to the village.

Later that evening, Yousho visited the hut of Kaori.

“I understand that you walk out into the meadows early in the morning. May I go with you tomorrow morning,” Yousho said to Kaori as he visited her hut later that evening. Copyright 2016 - 2025