So Mrs. Jervis, says one of the ladies, how do you do? We are all come

to inquire after your health. I am much obliged to your ladyships,

said Mrs. Jervis: Will your ladyships please to sit down? But, said

the countess, we are not only come to ask after Mrs. Jervis's health

neither; but we are come to see a rarity besides. Ah, says Lady Arthur,

I have not seen your Pamela these two years, and they tell me she is

grown wondrous pretty in that time.

Then I wished I had not been in the closet; for when I came out, they

must needs know I heard them; but I have often found, that bashful

bodies owe themselves a spite, and frequently confound themselves more,

by endeavouring to avoid confusion.

Why, yes, says Mrs. Jervis, Pamela is very pretty indeed; she's but in

the closet there:--Pamela, pray step hither. I came out all covered with

blushes, and they smiled at one another.

The countess took me by the hand: Why, indeed, she was pleased to say,

report has not been too lavish, I'll assure you. Don't be ashamed,

child; (and stared full in my face;) I wish I had just such a face to be

ashamed of. O how like a fool I looked! Lady Arthur said,

Ay, my good Pamela, I say as her ladyship says: Don't

be so confused; though, indeed, it becomes you too. I think your good

lady departed made a sweet choice of such a pretty attendant. She would

have been mighty proud of you, as she always was praising you, had she

lived till now. Ah! madam, said Lady Brooks, do you think that so dutiful a son as our

neighbour, who always admired what his mother loved, does not pride

himself, for all what he said at table, in such a pretty maiden?

She looked with such a malicious sneering countenance, I can't abide

her. Lady Towers said with a free air, (for it seems she is called a wit,)

Well, Mrs. Pamela, I can't say I like you so well as these ladies do;

for I should never care, if you were my servant, to have you and your

master in the same house together. Then they all set up a great laugh. I know what I could have said, if I durst. But they are ladies--and

ladies may say any thing. Says Lady Towers, Can the pretty image speak, Mrs. Jervis? I vow she has

speaking eyes! O you little rogue, said she, and tapped me on the cheek,

you seem born to undo, or to be undone! God forbid, and please your ladyship, said I, it should be either!--I

beg, said I, to withdraw; for the sense I have of my unworthiness

renders me unfit for such a presence. I then went away, with one of my best courtesies; and Lady Towers said,

as I went out, Prettily said, I vow!--And Lady Brooks said, See that

shape! I never saw such a face and shape in my life; why, she must be

better descended than you have told me! And so they run on for half an hour more in my praises, as I was told;

and glad was I, when I got out of the hearing of them. But, it seems, they went down with such a story to my master, and so

full of me, that he had much ado to stand it; but as it was very little

to my reputation, I am sure I could take no pride in it; and I feared

it would make no better for me. This gives me another cause for wishing

myself out of this house. This is Thursday morning, and next Thursday I hope to set out; for I

have finished my task, and my master is horrid cross! And I am vexed

his crossness affects me so. If ever he had any kindness towards me, I

believe he now hates me heartily. Is it not strange, that love borders so much upon hate? But this wicked

love is not like the true virtuous love, to be sure: that and hatred

must be as far off, as light and darkness. And how must this hate have

been increased, if he had met with such a base compliance, after his

wicked will had been gratified. Well, one may see by a little, what a great deal means. For if innocence

cannot attract common civility, what must guilt expect, when novelty

has ceased to have its charms, and changeableness had taken place of it?

Thus we read in Holy Writ, that wicked Amnon, when he had ruined poor

Tamar, hated her more than he ever loved her, and would have turned her

out of door. How happy am I, to be turned out of door, with that sweet companion my

innocence!--O may that be always my companion! And while I presume not

upon my own strength, and am willing to avoid the tempter, I hope the

divine grace will assist me. Forgive me, that I repeat in my letter part of my hourly prayer. I owe

every thing, next to God's goodness, to your piety and good examples, my

dear parents, my dear poor parents! I say that word with pleasure; for

your poverty is my pride, as your integrity shall be my imitation. As soon as I have dined, I will put on my new clothes. I long to have

them on. I know I shall surprise Mrs. Jervis with them; for she shan't

see me till I am full dressed.--John is come back, and I'll soon send

you some of what I have written.--I find he is going early in the

morning; and so I'll close here, that I am Copyright 2016 - 2024