All the next day I was very sad, and began my long letter. He saw me

writing, and said (as I mentioned) to Mrs. Jervis, That girl is always

scribbling; methinks she might find something else to do, or to that

purpose. And when I had finished my letter, I put it under the toilet in

my late lady's dressing-room, whither nobody comes but myself and Mrs.

Jervis, besides my master; but when I came up again to seal it, to my

great concern, it was gone; and Mrs. Jervis knew nothing of it; and

nobody knew of my master's having been near the place in the time; so I

have been sadly troubled about it: But Mrs. Jervis, as well as I, thinks

he has it, some how or other; and he appears cross and angry, and seems

to shun me, as much as he said I did him. It had better be so than

worse! But he has ordered Mrs. Jervis to bid me not pass so much time in

writing; which is a poor matter for such a gentleman as he to take

notice of, as I am not idle other ways, if he did not resent what he

thought I wrote upon. And this has no very good look.

But I am a good deal easier since I lie with Mrs. Jervis; though, after

all, the fears I live in on one side, and his frowning and displeasure

at what I do on the other, make me more miserable than enough.

O that I had never left my little bed in the loft, to be thus exposed

to temptations on one hand, or disgusts on the other! How happy was I

awhile ago! How contrary now!--Pity and pray for

Your afflicted




Our hearts bleed for your distress, and the temptations you are exposed

to. You have our hourly prayers; and we would have you flee this evil

great house and man, if you find he renews his attempts. You ought to

have done it at first, had you not had Mrs. Jervis to advise with. We

can find no fault in your conduct hitherto: But it makes our hearts ache

for fear of the worst. O my child! temptations are sore things,--but

yet, without them, we know not ourselves, nor what we are able to do.

Your danger is very great; for you have riches, youth, and a fine

gentleman, as the world reckons him, to withstand; but how great will be

your honour to withstand them! And when we consider your past conduct,

and your virtuous education, and that you have been bred to be more

ashamed of dishonesty than poverty, we trust in God, that He will enable

you to overcome. Yet, as we can't see but your life must be a burthen to

you, through the great apprehensions always upon you; and that it may be

presumptuous to trust too much to our own strength; and that you are

but very young; and the devil may put it into his heart to use some

stratagem, of which great men are full, to decoy you: I think you had

better come home to share our poverty with safety, than live with so

much discontent in a plenty, that itself may be dangerous. God direct

you for the best! While you have Mrs. Jervis for an adviser and

bed-fellow, (and, O my dear child! that was prudently done of you,)

we are easier than we should be; and so committing you to the divine

protection, remain Your truly loving, but careful,

FATHER and MOTHER. Copyright 2016 - 2024