My master had said to Mrs. Jewkes, that he should not rise till eight

or nine, as he had sat up all the night before: but it seems, my lady,

knowing he usually rose about six, got up soon after that hour; raised

her woman and her nephew; having a whimsical scheme in her head, to try

to find whether we were in bed together: And, about half an hour after

six, she rapped at our chamber door.

My master was waked at the noise, and asked, Who was there? Open the

door, said she; open it this minute! I said, clinging about his neck,

Dear, dear sir, pray, pray don't!--O save me, save me! Don't fear,

Pamela, said he. The woman's mad, I believe.

But he called out; Who are you? What do you want?--You know my voice

well enough, said she:--I will come in.--Pray, sir, said I, don't let

her ladyship in.--Don't be frightened, my dear, said he; she thinks we

are not married, and are afraid to be found a-bed together. I'll let her

in; but she shan't come near my dearest.

So he slipt out of bed, and putting on some of his clothes, and gown

and slippers, he said, What bold body dare disturb my repose thus? and

opened the door. In rushed she: I'll see your wickedness, said she, I

will! In vain shall you think to hide it from me.--What should I hide?

said he. How dare you set a foot into my house, after the usage I

have received from you?--I had covered myself over head and ears, and

trembled every joint. He looked, and 'spied her woman and kinsman in

the room, she crying out, Bear witness, Jackey; bear witness, Beck; the

creature is now in his bed! And not seeing the young gentleman before,

who was at the feet of the bed, he said, How now, sir? What's your

business in this apartment? Begone this moment!--And he went away

directly. Beck, said my lady, you see the creature is in his bed. I do, madam,

answered she. My master came to me, and said, Ay, look, Beck, and bear

witness: Here is my Pamela!--My dear angel, my lovely creature, don't be

afraid; look up, and see how frantickly this woman of quality behaves.

At that, I just peeped, and saw my lady, who could not bear this, coming

to me; and she said, Wicked abandoned wretch! Vile brother, to brave me

thus! I'll tear the creature out of bed before your face, and expose you

both as you deserve. At that he took her in his arms, as if she had been nothing; and

carrying her out of the room, she cried out, Beck! Beck! help me, Beck!

the wretch is going to fling me down stairs! Her woman ran to him,

and said, Good sir, for Heaven's sake do no violence to my lady! Her

ladyship has been ill all night. Copyright 2016 - 2024