{ Katy }

After that little bomb was dropped on us, no one really had anything else to say. We’d reached our limit when it came to lies and chatting it out with everyone.

My brain was on overload, running circles around what Nancy had just told us, what Dee was doing, where my mom and friends were, if Luc really had control over Nancy, and what the future held for all of us.

I was done.

Daemon was done.

Archer made a pit stop on the way to showing us our room. Rapping his knuckles on the door once, he eased it open without waiting for an answer. Luckily none of us was scarred for life.

Dawson was standing at the foot of the bed, near where Beth sat. We were probably interrupting something, but the smile that transformed Beth’s face as Archer stepped aside and we walked in caused me to trip over my feet.

Daemon glanced back at me, brows arched, but I was focused on Beth. She . . . she looked normal sitting on the bed, cross-legged, hands resting in her lap. Weariness still marked her pretty face. Her skin was too pale and the shadows under her eyes stark, but her gaze was clear and focused.

“I’m so happy to see you guys,” she said, placing one hand on her lower belly. “I was so worried.”

“We’re doing well,” Daemon responded, glancing at his brother. Although we were standing in front of his brother and Beth, who appeared unharmed, tension radiated off of Daemon. “And everything is fine with you all?”

His brother nodded as he sat beside her. “Yeah. Beth’s been to the doctor on base already.” He curved a hand around her knee. “They seemed to have experience with this. Kind of weird, but I guess it’s a good thing.”

Daemon shot a look in Archer’s direction, and then his gaze settled on Beth. “The doctor treated you right?”

“She—Doctor Ramsey—was really kind and said that . . . well, the pregnancy is progressing as it should. She said that I needed to rest and I have to start taking vitamins.” Pausing, she gestured at a dresser. On it were three large bottles that were like the ones Archer and I had tried to obtain for her. She followed my gaze. “Thank you for going out that day. You risked a lot. Again.”

I blinked, not realizing at first that she was talking to me. I shrugged. “No biggie. I wish we could’ve gotten them for you then.”

“It was a big deal,” Dawson corrected. “You and Archer could’ve . . .” He trailed off as his brother stiffened. “Yeah, you know what could’ve happened.”

“But nothing bad happened, did it?” Archer leaned against the door, folding his arms. “It worked out in the end.”

“We’re all here.” Beth’s brows pinched as she ducked her chin. “Well, almost all of us. Not Dee. I’m . . . I’m sorry.” She peeked up at Daemon, who was now staring at the wall behind the bed.

“We’re going to get her back,” I said, and dammit, we had to. We just needed to figure out how.

“So . . .” Archer cleared his throat. “Do you guys know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

The change of subject couldn’t come at a better time, and I swore Dawson’s cheeks colored a little. “We don’t know,” he said, turning to Beth. “The doc said something about an ultrasound?”

“This week,” she replied, resting her cheek on his shoulder. “They want to do an ultrasound. It might be too early to tell.”

A small smile appeared on Archer’s face. “If it’s a boy, you should name him Archer.”

I giggled.

Daemon faced the Origin. “They should name him Daemon.”

“Daemon 2.0? I don’t know if the world can handle that.” Dawson laughed under his breath, shaking his head. “Honestly, I don’t think that’s something we’ve really thought about at this point.”

“No,” she agreed. “But I guess we need to.”

Their eyes met then, and it was like they forgot that anyone else was in the room. It was just them. I understood the kind of connection they had. I had it with Daemon, but I wondered if we looked as love-struck as they did.

“You do,” Archer commented softly.

Ah, well, that was kind of embarrassing.

“Yes, it is,” he added.

I shot him a look over my shoulder as Daemon growled, “Get out of her head.”

Archer grinned. “Sorry. Can’t help it.”

Rolling my eyes, I didn’t intervene as the two of them started bickering, and then it was time to give Beth and Dawson some privacy. After leaving their room, we were given a room that reminded me too much of the ones back in Area 51. So much so, I couldn’t repress the shudder that worked its way down my spine.

“There’s basically a town on this base,” Archer said from the doorway. “Houses, a school, shops, and even a medical facility. There’s a mess hall one level up. I grabbed you some sweats earlier and stashed them in the dresser.”

Daemon nodded as he scanned the room, his gaze dipping over the wall-mounted TV, the door that led to a bathroom, and the single dresser and metal desk.

“Is it really safe here?” I asked, trying to comb my fingers through the mess that was my hair.

“As safe as any place is right now. Definitely the best place for Beth, all things considered.”

Yeah, having a medical facility nearby was good for her.

Daemon folded his arms. “Will Luc really kill those kids?”

“Luc is capable of anything.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I stretched out my aching leg. I couldn’t picture Luc doing that. Not because I didn’t think he would, but because I just didn’t want to believe he’d do such a thing.

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