Rachana: What’s the dilemma then?

Navya: After Nritya affair, I’m not going to believe the verdict of any committee. Why, he would have complained against her when she didn’t yield to his advances. Besides, having put Sanjay on the mat if I let Naveen off the hook, won’t I have to answer to my conscience?

Rekha: Even if he was guilty, what can be done now?

Navya: Why can’t I divorce him to make men realize that womanizing at workplace could be hazardous at home?

Rachana: Don’t be crazy.

Rekha: Why become more Christian than the Christ to ruin your children’s lives. [She takes the nonplussed Ranjan and Nrupa into her arms.]

Navya: Won’t the double jeopardy be doubly deterring for the hopefuls.

Rekha: Don’t be silly and make me feel guilty for radicalizing you.

Navya: Well, after that experience with Sanjay, I am obsessed about fighting against the errant men.

Rekha: I don’t think you have any grounds for divorce at all.

Navya: Maybe but can’t I desert him?

Rekha: What about the children?

Navya: If I can keep them it’s fine. If not I would find meaning to my meaningless life by dedicating myself to the MAWAW.

Rekha: Why not I take you to Lawyer Bhagawan? Rachana also needs to understand the implications of bigamy.

Rachana: I don’t think there is any law against a live-in relationship.

Rekha: What a shame that you want to disturb a woman’s married life.

Rachana: Well everything is fair in love and war.

Navya Why not get acquainted with his wife and take her to a couple of movies of the fifties and sixties. Bet if not you, she would imbibe the spirit of self-sacrifice to make it easy for him

Rekha: Jokes apart, why build castles in the air when you have neither declared your love to him nor he indicated his to you.

Rachana: Madam might recall that love manifests itself in looks much before it gets expressed in words.

Rekha: Let Bhagawan (Looks up to the heavens) judge after Lawyer Bhagawan appraises Him about the law of our land.

[Rekha gets up from her seat followed by Rachana and Navya.]

[Enter: Naveen. Navya instinctively takes hold of Ranjan and Nrupa.]

Naveen: Spoil your life if you must. [He moves towards Ranjan and Nrupa as Navya hugs them closer to her.] I don’t want your stupidity to ruin their lives.

[Naveen tries to take hold of Ranjan and Nrupa and Navya resists him as Rekha and Rachana watch in dismay. A tug of war ensues between Naveen and Navya for the possession of the bewildered Ranjan and Nrupa who alternately cry ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’. Naveen prevails in the end and takes hold of the crying Ranjan and Nrupa and drags them towards the exit.]

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