Srisailam: So what’s your prescription to our ailment? Bear it all through life waiting for death to end it.

Narsimma: Why, didn’t Baba Sahebpave the path for dalitprogress through education? Maybe, the journey is long, arduous even, but it surely gets us there. But these Charus and Kanus are leading us astray. I’m convinced about it.

Srisailam: No denying Ambedkar Marg leads us to the dalit country. But we need Majumdar’s musketeers and Sanyal’s sepoys to guard our convoys, don’t we?

Narsimma: Maybe, but what about the oppressors from our own ranks?

Srisailam: What a weird thought it is, oppressors among the oppressed.

[Enter: Madanna on the run.]

Narsimma to Madanna: You know I’m not a game for it.

Madanna: Oh, you shut up, and find a way out for me. I’m on the run now.

[Exit: Narsimma even as Madanna gets under the cot.]

Srisailam: I too want to serve the causeanna.

Madanna: Well, Narsimma would lead you to my hideout. Let’s meet tomorrow if I’m not nabbed now.

[Enter: Narsimma, and lets Madanna slip away from the window.]

Srisailam: After this can you miss the heroism in naxalism.

Narsimma: Oh, what a rendezvous it was with your idol.

Srisailam: And he showed me the green light.

Narsimma: He himself being on the run that is. Well, who am I to stop you, any way?

Srisailam: Show me the way then.

[Even as Narsimma whispers into Srisailam’s ear, there is a knock on the door. And Narsimma opens it. Enter: Two Police Constables and they search the place]

Police Constable(1) to Narsimma: Where is Madanna?

Narsimma: Constable Saab, he left the hostel long ago.

Police Constable(1): Where is he is now?

Narsimma: Saab, I’ve lost touch with him

Police Constable(2) [Pushing Narsimma.]: Chal beta, once in the lockup, surely you would sing a different tune.

Police Constable(1) [Pushing Srisailam]: Chal, tum bhi chal.

[Exit: Police Constables with Narsimma and Srisailam. Curtains down.]

Scene – 8

[Curtains up: Badly bruised Narsimma and Srisailam lodged in the Police Lockup.]

Srisailam: Though I was sure you wouldn’t, I was worried that I might spill the beans. Maybe, it’s the confidence that you won’t let out that let me hold out. Oh, how these bastards beat us to pulp.

Narsimma: Oppressors among the oppressed, is it still a weird thought?

Srisailam: Not any more, but do tell me whom you had in mind before my eyes were opened by these brutish cops.

Narsimma: I didn’t tell you what my aunt did to her own daughter. Oh how she got her daughter married to a pimp of her brother. God knows how my poor Renu is putting up with that Saailu. Hope his last threads of decency hold him from pimping for his own wife. Copyright 2016 - 2025