SFX – Creaking of the compound gate.
VIMALA: Pratap, mind your step, wait.
PRATAP: Misstep now, no way.
SFX - Opening of the house door.
SCENE - 10
INT – Vimala, Pratap and Dr. Raghu in Vimala’s three bed-room house.
VIMALA: Pratap, lie down now. (PAUSE) Raghu, just see…
PRATAP: Why make fuss, I’m a little weak, that’s all.
VIMALA: Let it come from the horse’s mouth.
RAGHU: I say it’s an unusual recovery.
PRATAP: Satisfied Vimala.
RAGHU: Uncle, I think you’re remarkably strong.
VIMALA: Agreed, but know he’s irritably obstinate.
PRATAP: Wait, you’ll see how mellowed I am.
VIMALA: It helps, but what a fool I’m …
PRATAP: A sentimental fool.
VIMALA: Don’t think that life didn’t teach me. I’m not the timid Vimala you knew. But you too were never a candidate for a bravery award.
PRATAP: Bet, I’ll win it hands down now.
VIMALA: Okay baba, but not on an empty stomach.
PRATAP: Raghu, it’s slightly paining here.
VIMALA: For all I know its pangs of hunger. Let me cook some rice.
SFX – Indicative of a running tap, rice being washed, stove being lit and such kitchen activity.
RAGHU: Auntie, he’s okay, let me go.
VIMALA: If you come in the evening.
RAGHU: I’ll for a cup of filter coffee.
VIMALA: Prati prepared.
RAGHU: Auntie, I’ve seen the photograph in the newspapers.
VIMALA: Yes, that’s the last one, taken by Prati. She’s so fond of photography; you only have to stand still for a second.
RAGHU: Lot was said about his integrity and incorruptibility, that he was a workaholic, used to drive his staff crazy and such.
VIMALA: That’s true; all his life, he was honest to the core.
RAGHU: It was said he was as brave as Caesar.
VIMALA: You know how the media exaggerates. I tell you, nothing scared him more than his death. It’s sad and silly; he was so obsessed about playing with his great grand children. Maybe, what we crave, life denies us.
RAGHU: Or gives without warning.
VIMALA: But with strings attached.
RAGHU: It pays to break loose at times.
VIMALA: Thank you for trying to strengthen my hands. I’ll tell you a secret I won’t like to share even with Pratap. You can imagine me as a reluctant bride but try visualizing my marital life.
RAGHU: How can I?
VIMALA: I’ll give you a clue. Bhadru was uprightness in motion and discipline in relaxation.
RAGHU: Now I can, machine like. Would Prati ever understand that?
VIMALA: I don’t wish my fate for her, if I can help. If only Bhadru was an average man, I tell you, Prasad would’ve been like any other man in my life, even early in my married life. But thanks to that upright soul, he remains my only love. Now, I don’t want to miss the first honeymoon of my life. I know it would put me at odds with my daughter. So be it. (PAUSE)