“Too bad. It must be a rough job having to deal with all those pain-in-the-ass politicians.”

“They’re not as bad as you paint them to be. And neither is your father.”

He shrugged and downed the contents of a glass. It was a smooth bourbon with a sweet oak flavor that didn’t burn on the way down, just the way he liked it.

After the tasting, they ordered their meal. Gray was happy to see Evelyn order both a salad appetizer and the duck for her main course. He had the beef tenderloins, which tasted just as good as he’d remembered from the last time he was there.

He was mostly interested to see Evelyn eat. Sometimes the women he took out barely touched their food, then bragged that they were watching their figures like he should hand them some kind of trophy for starvation. Evelyn was slender, but she obviously worked out or she had a great metabolism, because she clearly enjoyed her food and ate almost everything on her plate.

She caught him watching, because at one point, she paused with her fork midway to her mouth. “Do I have food on my face or something?”

“No. I just like watching a woman eat. And where do you put it?”

“I have an amazing metabolism. I’m very lucky. It’s a good thing, too, because I really like food, and this meal is incredible. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it.”

“You should come to D.C. There are some fantastic restaurants there.”

“I try to avoid the capitol.”

“Because your father’s there.”

He polished off the last of his steak and set his plate to the side. “Mainly, yes.”

“Do you want to tell me what your problem is with your father?”

“Not particularly.”

“All right.” She finished her duck and took a drink of water.

He liked that she didn’t push for more details about his relationship with his dad, because he sure as hell didn’t like talking about it. But he did like talking to her. Liked being with her, too, even if she did represent his dad. And she sure was pretty to look at, especially tonight, with her hair swept up. And that dress. Damn that dress. It was cut tight across her breasts and had thin straps, and he could already imagine sliding it off her creamy shoulders while he kissed her neck.

Shit. He’d promised he wasn’t going to think about her that way, and he was doing it anyway.

“What are you thinking about?”

He lifted his gaze to hers. “Huh?”

“You were lost in thought and staring somewhere in the vicinity of my breasts.”

“Probably because of your dress. Sorry, I was staring. It was rude.”

Her lips curved. “Complimentary. I’m sorry if the dress disturbs you.”

“Oh, the dress definitely disturbs me, Evelyn. But not in a bad way.”

He paid the bill and came around to pull her chair out, taking a moment to lean in and inhale her scent. So subtle. She didn’t load herself down in perfume, making him nearly choke. Evelyn’s scent was definitely all Evelyn.

His dick took notice. Hell, his dick took notice of everything having to do with her.

Wasn’t he the one who was supposed to pour on the charm tonight? It seemed like their roles were being reversed. He was ready to fall at her feet, and she wasn’t even trying.

Time to change that.

“Tell me about this party we’re going to,” Evelyn said as they left the restaurant.

“Craig and I went to college together. We played baseball together, too. Craig got drafted by Cincinnati after college and played three seasons for them before an injury ended his career.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t feel too sorry for him. He’s doing just fine,” Gray said, taking an exit and heading toward a residential area.

“Obviously. This seems like a very nice neighborhood.”

“It is. Like me, Craig comes from old family money, so after he left baseball he had a fallback position in his father’s company.”

She looked at him. “I like that you don’t apologize for that.”

“For what?”

“For having family money.”

He shrugged. “Why should I? It’s no fault of mine. The trust my grandfather left me gave me the stake I needed to separate myself from my father and to help build Preston Racing. I’ve also worked my ass off to make more money. I’ve set up several charities, because my grandfather taught me it’s important to share the wealth when you have money. And it’s not like I spend my life sailing or traveling or pissing the money away sitting on my butt doing nothing, so I don’t see any reason to apologize for having money.”

“It’s a good outlook to have. As someone who doesn’t come from money, I don’t begrudge you. I imagine others do.”

“Frankly, I don’t give a shit what others think. I have a lot of close friends who haven’t grown up rich. None of them have ever judged me for it.”

“I imagine that’s why they’re your close friends.”

He smiled. “You’re right.”

“So tell me more about Craig.”

“His family is from around here, so he settled here and went to work for his father’s company after he left baseball. He married one hell of a stunning woman. But Miranda isn’t a gold digger. She, like a lot of my friends, didn’t grow up with money. He met her at one of the charity fund-raisers he was participating in. She was running it, along with about ten others she’s involved in. Philanthropy is what she does best. She believes in giving back, too, and she’s brought out the best in Craig. They’ve been married three years and have a baby on the way.”

“How nice for them.”

“Yeah, I think you’ll like them.”

“Maybe I’ll hit them up for a campaign contribution.”

Gray shot her a horrified look.

Evelyn laughed. “I’m joking.”

“You scare me, Evelyn.”

“And you need to get to know me.”

“Obviously, I do.”

Gray pulled up to the gate and gave his name to the guard there, who punched a button and let them through. Evelyn didn’t comment. He imagined since she dealt with some of the high rollers in D.C., Craig’s five-thousand-square-foot home wouldn’t impress her.

“Oh, would you look at the size of those trees in their front yard. Can you imagine a tire swing in one of those?”

That wasn’t at all what he expected her to say. “A tire swing?”

He pulled behind one of the cars and got out, then walked over to her side and let her out.

“Of course. You said they’re having a baby, right?”


“I can picture this huge yard, a bunch of kids, and a tire swing. I always wanted one of those.”

“You did, huh?”

She let out a soft laugh. “I did. My parents never owned property and we never had a big yard. We lived in apartments. Of course there were playgrounds, but I always coveted a yard that belonged to just me, with a lot of big trees and a tire swing. It’s something I vowed I’d give my own children someday.”

Now that was a revelation. He suddenly wanted to know more about Evelyn. A lot more. Unfortunately, they now stood at the threshold to Craig’s front door, and this wasn’t the time to ask probing questions, so he tabled that thought for later.

Craig opened the door and grinned. “Gray! I didn’t think you’d come. I know you’re busy with race stuff.”

Gray hugged him and they slapped each other on the back. “We never get to see each other. When I got your call saying you were having a birthday party, how could I not be here for it?”

“I’m glad.”

“Thirty, huh? Man, you’re old.”

Craig laughed. “And so are you. And where are my manners?” He turned to Evelyn and shook her hand. “Craig Reynolds. Welcome.”

“Evelyn Hill.”

Craig gave a look to Gray. “You’ve moved up in the world of women. Evelyn, you’re gorgeous. Come on inside and meet my wife.”

Used to large crowds of people she didn’t know, Evelyn wasn’t the slightest bit intimidated. Craig was tall and lean, with sandy brown hair cut short. He wore dark glasses that did nothing to mar his incredible good looks. Instead, they gave him a Clark Kent mystique that made him utterly good-looking.

There were quite a few people in attendance, and obviously some that Gray knew, because he stopped to shake hands or smile and wave as they walked by. When they made their way to a gorgeous woman with chin-length brown hair who looked to be about six months pregnant, she turned and presented them with a glowing smile.

She leaned into Gray and hugged him, then kissed his cheek. “Gray. It’s been too long.”

“Not since my last race here, I’m afraid. And I’m sorry about that, because you look even more beautiful now than you looked last year.”

She wrinkled her nose. “My ankles are swelling and I’m enjoying M&M’s far too much.” She turned to Evelyn. “And who is this gorgeous woman you’ve brought with you?”

“I’m Evelyn Hill. It’s very nice to meet you.”

Miranda gave her a hug. “I’m Miranda Reynolds. It’s nice to meet you, too, Evelyn.

Thank you for being here tonight.”

Miranda had one of those soft, welcoming voices that made you feel you were her very best friend from the moment you met her. She had warm brown eyes and the most perfect smile that you just knew was genuine. And considering the line of work Evelyn was in, she could spot a phony from an entire room away. Both Miranda and Craig were the real deal. She had never felt instantly comfortable with people before, but with this couple, she was. They offered her and Gray a drink, and they settled out on the patio, which was breathtaking, with an Olympic-sized pool, a hot tub, and a magnificent garden area beyond that Evelyn would love to see in the daylight.

“Your home is lovely, Miranda,” Evelyn said while Gray and Craig talked racing and caught up on each other’s lives.

“Thank you so much. I’m so very fortunate to be living the life I have.” She rubbed her belly. “I hope this child and any others we’re blessed with realize how lucky they are, when so many others don’t have half the advantages we do.”

“I have a feeling you’re going to do your best to enlighten them?”

She smiled. “Yes. As soon as the children are old enough we’ll involve them in our charitable works. It’s a huge passion of mine.”

“Gray told me about some of that on our way over, but not in detail. I’d love to know more.”

Miranda explained how she sat on the foundation of several charities, locally, nationally, and globally, and was an ambassador for a fund-raising effort to bring clean water to impoverished nations. As soon as she was able, she would continue her efforts to bring needed medicines to Africa.

“I work for Gray’s father, Senator Mitchell Preston. He sits on several committees I think could be beneficial to some of your causes. If you’d like, I’d be happy to speak to him to see what he could do to assist you with your efforts.”

Miranda’s eyes widened. “Oh, would you mind? That would be so helpful. We try hard to enlist the aid of as many politicians as we can. It’s so hard to gain an audience, as you can imagine.”

“I’ll make a call first thing in the morning. If you give me your number, I’ll have someone from the senator’s office contact you directly.”

Miranda grabbed Evelyn’s hand and squeezed it. “I can’t tell you how much that would mean to me. To the foundation.”

“I’m happy to help. And I know the senator would be, too.”

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