“I heard from a little birdie that you might need some comfort so I came to see you. Now that I’m here, I can see for myself they were right.” Shocked, Jackson didn’t speak until he noticed Chris’ head peeping around the corner. He had a feeling it had been two little birdies that had called their uncle Elliott to come and spy on him.

“Well I don’t know who your sources are, but I’m fine.  However, I’m always happy to see my big bro.”

Eli’s eyes lingered on Jackson’s face, taking in his unkempt hair and unshaven face. “So, how are things with the new group you’re producing?”

“Slow but it’s going. Anyway, come on in and make yourself comfortable. The boys are around here somewhere. I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you.”

Eli clamped a hand down on his shoulder. “Actually, the little birdie that called was named Nick. He wants to take you somewhere.”

Nick appeared in the doorway behind Eli. “Can I come in?”

It was funny how he’d been mainly fine for the past week. He still got choked up at random intervals and he hadn’t been able to sleep in his bed anymore. He’d taken to sleeping in the chair in his office. But more than anything, seeing his brother seemed to bring it all back. He took a deep breath.

“You’re my brother. You don’t need an invitation.”

His brother pulled him into a hug before cradling his face in his hands. “I wasn’t sure if you’d feel that way. I really screwed things up this time.”

Jackson closed the door behind them and walked to the living room. “You didn’t screw up, I did. I was the one she trusted. I’m the one who let her down.”

“But this whole thing started because of my feud with Raina. So, I want to fix it. At the source.”

“How do you plan to do that? Raina isn’t going to forgive you.”

“I’m not looking for forgiveness from her, little bro.” Nick slapped him on the cheeks lightly. “I just want the dragon to take a step back so you can get to the princess. After that, you’re on your own.”

Eli settled back on the couch and heaved a sigh. “I’m sorry to miss the groveling but I’m going to stay here with the boys. Just make sure you video it when Raina decks him. That’s so going on YouTube.”

Jackson followed Nick out of the house. He had no idea what his brother planned to do to get Raina to let them in but he knew he’d only have one shot at this.

He was miserable without Ridley. She might not give him another chance but at least he could tell her how he felt, and apologize. He owed her at least that.

He looked at his brother. “Tell me you have a plan.”

Nick smirked. “Of course, I do. Watch and learn.”

*   *   *   *   *

“I DON'T NEED another magazine, Raina.”

Raina stood at the foot of the bed wringing her hands. “Maybe some water? Or some lunch?”

They’d left the hospital a week ago under the cover of night. It had seemed ridiculous to go through such measures to keep it secret but Raina had insisted it was necessary. The story of the Moreno family’s only son rising from the dead was too good for the media to ignore.

Sam, Raina’s chief of security, had arranged an elaborate ruse involving several models hired to impersonate them in order to get her out of the hospital undetected. She hadn’t had the energy to care back then. They’d gotten her home without microphones and cameras in her face and that was all she’d wanted.

Well, that wasn’t all she wanted. But the other thing she wanted hadn’t called in a week.

“What about a movie? Or we can see what’s on TV?”

It had been years since she’d seen her sister plain-faced but Raina hadn’t left her side for the past few days. It was kind of sweet, actually. In the beginning she’d been so tired she hadn’t been good for much else besides sleeping. But the last few days they’d talked. A lot. She’d had the chance to apologize for some of the things she’d said and Raina had apologized for trying to run her life. They were on the right track for the first time in months.

But now her sister’s hovering was getting on her nerves.

“I don’t want magazines or food or anything. I’m tired.” Ridley knew she was being rude but she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Okay. I’ll let you sleep.” Raina kissed her forehead and left, pulling the door closed behind her.

Ridley sighed and looked out the window, the late afternoon sunlight like a beacon drawing her attention outside. Since leaving the hospital she’d been pampered and coddled, slept what felt like a million hours and taken more pain medication than she was sure was safe.

What she hadn’t done was call Jackson.

Raina had told her about his visit when she’d been asleep at the hospital. It didn’t make her feel good to imagine him hurting but damn it, he’d hurt her. Tears welled in her eyes again and she gritted her teeth. Tears wouldn’t erase the humiliation of being pushed out the door. Of being accused of being a thief. As much as she’d tried to understand things from his perspective, part of her couldn’t let go of the fact that he simply hadn’t believed her. He’d honestly thought she’d just been after his money.

But now, a week had gone by and she had to wonder if her pride was worth this misery. He’d hurt her more than she knew it was possible to be hurt, but she couldn’t deny that she loved him. So, who was she really punishing? Jackson or herself?

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