Ridley thought he had gotten through to her when she turned around. When he saw the tears running down her face, he grabbed the tissues on the desk and offered them to her. She snatched them with a sob.

“My baby is not a PROBLEM. There’s no decision to make. I love this baby and I am not giving it up!”

She hurled each statement as if hoping to pierce him dead through the heart. Suddenly she tossed the box of tissues on the ground and stomped over to the door. 

“If she stomps any harder the roof might cave in.”

Christina’s snide comment was made in a stage whisper, obviously intended for everyone to hear. She didn’t even bother to wipe the smirk off her face when Kaylee turned around and slowly walked back in front of her. Instead she met her gaze straight on, even had the nerve to raise an eyebrow as if to say “Whatcha gonna say?”

Ridley had heard enough. She put two fingers in her mouth and let out a piercing whistle. “Everybody shut up!”

They all turned to look at Ridley in disbelief.

“She's about a hundred pounds soaking wet. Does she know she's about to get her ass kicked?” Mac’s whisper was loud enough to be heard all the way across the room.

“Uh, ladies, let's all calm down—” Jackson stopped in disbelief when Ridley held up a hand cutting him off.

“First of all,” she looked directly at Christina, “no one in here is perfect but you are the last person who needs to make comments about someone else’s appearance. Clearly you’ve had things you weren’t too happy with on your body as well.” She looked down at the other woman’s obviously fake breasts and widened her eyes theatrically.

Muffled laughter broke out behind Christina and she whipped around. The other girls straightened up and tried, unsuccessfully, to hide their smirks. Kaylee still looked angry but at least she didn’t look like she was about to fight anymore.

Ridley turned to Kaylee. “Second of all, Jackson didn't mean anything by what he said. Your baby is not a problem."

“Well, that's what he said.”

“Look, I get that you’re hormonal but he’s a guy. Since when do guys ever say the right thing?” Ridley waited until Kaylee acknowledged that with a small smile before she turned to the rest of the group.

“Baby fever is all over Hollywood right now. Why don't we call in a tip to the paparazzi that a member of the hot new group Divine is pregnant? Kaylee will be photographed shopping for baby clothes with her happy band mates around her and we'll circulate a rumor that the baby's father is someone famous.”

“Only if we say it’s Idris Elba,” Kaylee interrupted.

“Not him.”

“Why not?” Christina asked suspiciously.

“Because he's mine,” Ridley shot back. The other girls erupted into a chorus of catcalls. Even Christina gave her a begrudging smile.

Ridley pulled out her cell phone. “I’ll ask my sister for some names. If anyone is good at fooling the press, it’s her. In the meantime, why don't you all finish recording and I'll figure out the best place for you to be seen shopping for baby clothes.”


JACKSON WATCHED IN amazement as the girls nodded their approval of her plan and started discussing the song. Christina and Kaylee stood on opposite sides of the group but, still. They were there and they weren’t fighting.

He walked up to Ridley and laid his hands on her shoulders. “You’re really good at that, you know.”

“What?” She turned in his arms, snuggling against his chest so her head fit right below his chin.

“Calming people down. Cutting through the drama to the heart of the thing. I’m not sure if there’s a name for that but I’d hire you in a heartbeat. Especially since this is the part of the business that I hate, handling different personalities and getting them to all work together.”

“I’ve had a lifetime of dealing with Raina. I consider it on-the-job training.”

“Hey guys? Sorry to interrupt.”

They turned to see Kaylee standing directly behind them. “The girls and I decided to record first thing tomorrow. I’m not at my best right now and I think if we try to force it we’ll just be wasting your time.”

“I agree. Let’s call it a night everyone,” Jackson said. “I’ll expect you back in the morning, ready to work.”

Ridley waved at each of the girls as they left. After he gathered a few things from a table in the corner, Mac left, too.

“I thought they’d never leave.” Jackson picked up a guitar from a stand in the corner and strummed a few bars. It was a little out of tune. He used to get new song ideas all the time but it had been awhile since he’d played in the office.

“I guess we should go, too. I’m sure the boys will be exhausted.” She looked tired but happy.

“Not yet. There’s something I want to show you first.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the door at the back of the room, walking quickly, before he could lose his nerve. He pushed it open and walked in. Ridley followed, her eyes wide.

“Wow. It looks just like I imagined it would.”

He could barely contain his excitement as he pointed her to the chair in front of the recording console.

“This is a 32-channel API analog console. I just bought it last year. It’s top of the line. I prefer analog because it just gives a better sound. When I want to hear music, I want to hear the real thing.”

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