Almost, but not quite.

“Nick, what are you talking about? I don’t know what I did to make you hate me so much.”

He laughed cruelly. “You don’t know what you did?” He swore and then braced a hand on the wall above her head. “You don’t remember? Is that the game we’re going to play? We had the most amazing night, the hottest, wettest sex in every position we could bend ourselves into and you don’t remember?”

He clenched his fists, on the verge of turning and running out. He’d never raised a hand to a woman in his life, and never would, but damn if he didn’t want to just shake her until her teeth rattled. Or spank her. No, no spanking. Her soft curves beneath the palm of his hand would be more his undoing than hers.

“Nick, wait. You don’t understand—”

Still on edge from the visual image of her bent over, he slapped the wall above her head, the loud sound making her jump. He didn’t want to hear her excuses or whatever lies she’d prepared to explain what she was up to. She was using his brother to punish him and it had to stop.

“I know what you’re trying to do. You screwed with my head and I let you. But leave Jackson alone. I mean it.”

She watched him with wide, watchful eyes. The innocent look was just an act, he knew that but he couldn’t stop himself from reacting to it. His body saw her hurting and it strained to do whatever necessary to protect her.

Even though his mind knew that Raina needed protection about as much as a baby piranha.

“Stop fucking with my brother’s head.” He leaned down until they were nose to nose and whispered, “We both know he’s not the one you really want.”

His eyes dropped to her lips and he thought, to hell with it.

Then he dragged her against him and covered her mouth with his.


JACKSON SIGNED HIS approval on the video treatment Mac had handed him just that morning and slid it back into its envelope. They’d finally come up with an original concept for the video and now that he’d approved the budget, the project could proceed.

He’d taken work home with him, instead of staying at the office so he could enjoy a little more time with the boys.

And with Ridley.

More and more when he thought of family, his thoughts included her. If he didn’t see her for too long, he missed her. If she needed something, he wanted to help her get it. For someone who was determined not to sign up for commitment, he was teetering dangerously close to falling for her.

He could see it coming for him and was powerless to stop it.

Raised voices floated up the stairs. The loudest one sounded like his brother, Nick. He got up and walked to the top of the stairs. Ridley stood against the wall and holy hell, she looked amazing. When she’d told him about her undercover mission to get clothes from her house, he’d asked her to bring Matt along as well. Elliott already had bodyguards assigned to watch his house but he still wanted someone he knew personally to go with her. Plus, Matt had a pickup so they could get everything she needed in one trip.

Just then, Nick hit the wall with his fist.

“I know what you’re trying to do. You screwed with my head and I let you. But leave Jackson alone. I mean it. Stop fucking with my brother’s head.”

Ridley looked afraid and Jackson’s fists clenched at his side. He knew Nick was just trying to protect him but this was taking things too far. He wouldn’t let his woman be threatened in their own home. He opened his mouth to yell out a warning.

Then Nick leaned down and kissed Ridley.

Kissed Ridley.

“What the hell is going on here?” Jackson barked.

Nick jumped back and ran his fingers roughly through his hair. “Jack, I can explain. I should have just told you from the beginning.”

Ridley stayed in her position by the wall, her hands over her mouth. When she looked up at him, two tears slid down her cheeks.

Jackson hadn’t moved from his position at the head of the stairs. He descended the stairs slowly, taking each step individually.

One. Two. Three. Four.

He counted the steps, holding the numbers in his head. Anything was better than the image of Ridley pressed against the wall, fear in her eyes. While his own brother…

He looked at Ridley directly. “Can you go in the family room for a minute, please? I need to talk to my brother alone.”

She nodded mutely, her hands still over her mouth. She edged past them, giving Nick a wary look as she passed. As soon as she was out of striking range, Jackson flew across the room and tackled Nick.

“What the hell?” Nick held up his arms to ward off the blows but more than a few connected because Jackson felt the satisfying crunch as his knuckles hit bone.

Ridley screamed in the background but he barely heard her. All he could see was Nick, pushing himself against Ridley. Touching her. Kissing her.

He growled and threw another punch at his brother’s head.

“Jack, stop!” Nick wasn’t even trying to fight back at this point, just trying to protect his face from the raining blows.

The front door banged against the wall and the next thing he knew, he was being hauled backward. Matt grabbed Jackson and pulled his arms behind him. He managed to get an arm free and lunged forward again, dragging Matt with him.

Nick reared back and fell into the entryway table. It fell to the floor with a resounding crash. Ridley jumped back as pieces of the wood went flying.

“Are you okay?” Jackson asked her. Everything in him stilled waiting for her answer. When she nodded shakily, his shoulders sagged. Matt used the opportunity to pull his arms behind him again, more securely this time. His hold felt like being encased in iron. Copyright 2016 - 2024