"Thanks a lot, buddy." She was silent for some time. She took a sip of her tea. She folded her arms and stared out the window for a full minute then back at Ray, studying his face carefully. Then another sip of tea. He wondered if she wanted him to just get up and leave.

Finally, she spoke, "Well, perhaps I've been too quick to judge. I was certain you were off the wall at first, yet you might actually have a slight streak of sanity. I don't care for Loraine, still it's horrible if she was raped. I can picture her going after Barner with a gun. That might have happened. You're on the right track after all. Give her extra time today. Wait the three hours. Give her time to find a good lawyer. Then you come forward without being asked, and you're out of it."

"But you said-."

"I'll be okay. I can handle the police. I know the chief and most of those guys anyway. I'll just laugh it off with them. Yes, this will work. I'm not getting involved. However, you can call me at my office, if I can help. I'll be there until late."

"Whatever you say Tammy, I just want to get out of this. I know I've upset you and I'm sorry. I'm glad you're okay after all. Can we meet again, perhaps have dinner sometime?"

She rolled her eyes. "Get a grip."

Toward evening that day, Tammy Jerrold was back at her desk, alone in her real estate office. Talking to Ray Reid had started her thinking. She had exaggerated the glamour of being associated with Towson. In truth, he had called on her less and less and then lately not at all. The business referrals had dried up.

She had gone on and on to Reid about how great things used to be when she worked for Towson when he was mayor. Looking back, had it been all that great? It sounded as if he really appreciated her. Well, he did and he didn't. She had given him good years of her life. Hearing herself talk about the old routine, about following him around, now sounded foolish.

She had accomplished a lot, and it was through her own efforts. Sure, he had given her leads from time to time, nevertheless she was the one that made the phone calls, made the deals and made all those closings. She did it with hard work, nobody handed it to her.

Maybe it's time to move on. Market's slow here. Nothing is holding her to Park Beach. She had thought about a change. She was tired of this routine, tired of pushing real estate and tired of keeping the perfect saleswoman smile pasted on her face.

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