Towson slammed his fist on the counter again, harder. "Another lie. You lied to get in here didn't you?"

Ray didn't dare answer. He closed his eyes. He didn't know how this person fit into the puzzle, and he didn't want to explain about the text. Since the man was displaying some concern for Tammy, Ray positively didn't want to be the one to tell him about the rape and didn't want to be there if the phone suddenly rang with the news.

"Sir, I've made a terrible mistake, I'll leave. I'll pay for the cup." He made a move toward the door.

Towson stepped in front of him. "Not until I get some answers. Something phony going on here. What's my name?"


"My name, what is it?"


"Towson. You don't know who I am, do you?"

Ray slowly shook his head.

"Now that I believe. If you don't know who I am, then most likely you're after Tammy not me. Everyone knows you left the party with Loraine. Most likely, you discovered she's a dried-up ice cube. Now you're going after the juicy end of the scale with Tammy. You saw her at the party. You're trying to track her down. So you come here sniffing around for her. You're weird, truly weird."

Ray tried to back up but was already against the kitchen wall. "Look Mr. Towson, I've made a big mistake. I apologize. I'll just leave, won't bother you again."

"You're dreaming about getting close to her. She wouldn't touch you anyway, certainly not after I phone her." Towson took his arm and gave him a hard shove toward the door.

"I'll pay for the cup, whatever it costs," He said over his shoulder as Towson hustled him out.

"No, my fault, and you'd be paying for it the rest of your life. Too bad about your coffee burns. Here's something else to remember me by, a warning to take with you. You wouldn't believe all the folks around Florida who would love to do me a favor. I have a couple of friends that do special things for me. I'm going to put the word out on you. If I hear somebody is bothering Tammy, they'll come after you."

Ray was out the door. Off balance, he wavered down the hall. He caught the elevator just as a slender man in gray coveralls stepped off. The man smirked when he saw Ray sucking on his hand like a two year old.

Why would a classy person like Towson show off Tammy at a party, if she's as slutty as Loraine says and not particular about her bed partners? Something must be up, if the text directed him to this address. And he did get that text. Copyright 2016 - 2024