Kenn stood and Adrian grinned back. "Now."

The leader tossed his dog tags at Kenn's booted feet, and the wind immediately began trying to cover the shiny metal with sand. "All you have to do is pick 'em up and hand 'em to me."

"That's it?"

The newly-crowned Level Four men groaned, snorted at the question. Kenn's look was menacing enough to make Seth get serious, as he realized this wouldn't be a give-me. The Marine had beaten Doug.

"Just get by me, is all," Kenn sneered.

Seth nodded, handing his gun to Adrian. The second he let go of it, he spun and dove for the tags.

He came close, but Kenn kicked his shoulder with the flat of his boot at the last second, sending him rolling through the grit.

Seth got easily to his feet, eyes on the prize, and this time when he rushed Kenn, the Marine used his own weight to throw him across the ring of now standing and shouting men.

He gained his balance, rolling as he landed. When the cop rushed a third time, Kenn planted a hard fist in his ribs that had him grunting.

"This is for real! If you don't want it, quit now!" Kenn growled, not about to take it easy on the redhead even though he hoped for another ally in him.

Seth shook his head, side hurting and heart waking at the challenge. His body language changed, became intent.

Each of the Level men watched him, remembering their own tests, and that moment when they too had realized they wanted it almost more than anything - because of Adrian.

Seth moved closer, circling, no longer eyeing the metal under Kenn's feet, but keeping track of it. This time when the redhead rushed, he came in low and hard, making the Marine take a step back as they shoved against each other.

Kenn quickly delivered a vicious kick to his knee, then another to his ankle, and Seth fell, grunting in pain.

"Just quit," Kenn ordered. "Give up!"

Seth's face hardened, and everyone watching knew that he wouldn't. The feeling of failing Adrian was one that would never go away, not in this new life.

The redhead got to his feet for a fourth time, and Adrian watched with real interest, as fire grew in the cop's eyes. Seth stepped straight at Kenn, like he meant to rush again, and instead, swung a roundhouse that landed on Kenn's jaw, rocking him back.

The other fist came around, slamming into the Marine's cheek, and then Kenn was hitting back, and Seth went to his knees in the sand as the Marine beat on his face. Copyright 2016 - 2024