There was a long pause and then there came a tired voice full of despair that made Adrian's heart demand action.

"I'm overloaded. I can't describe it. We need protection, a way out to someplace safe. Tell him we're American citizens begging for his…"

The transmission ended suddenly, and Mitch shut off the tape. "Figured they went dead."

Adrian looked at the waiting alcoholic. "You did a great job. Get me right away when he calls back.

Red nose swelled, Mitch was all shit-eating grin at the praise. "You got it, A-Man. Catch you later?"

Adrian forced himself to nod and was glad to leave the drunk behind.

Kenn and Adrian went to his semi (always in the lead) and the leader climbed behind the wheel, leaving the door open. Time was running out, he could feel it threatening what he held dear, and yet, he couldn't ignore the call.

He motioned at the glove compartment, at the maps crammed inside. "Find out how far to Cheyenne and what's between here and there."

Kenn got to work as Adrian picked up the mic, knowing the leader was hoping for a reason to get the camp behind a rescue.

"Let's do a count, Mitch. Eagle One, all clear."

The count-off always took a while, people forgetting or going in the wrong order. Usually Adrian handled it, straightened them out, but today he let it go, waiting.

After a full minute of not getting by thirteen, Mitch took control, knowing Adrian wanted the radio clear, and again, he pleased the Boss.

"Fourteen, ready."

"Okay Fourteen, but Thirteen goes first. Thirteen, you ready?"

"Roger that."

"Good. We know fourteen is ready, so let's move on."

"Rogetssscccfourteenssch," Mitch's voice boomed over the radio. "Fourteen! Put your mic down! Hang it up now!"


The two men shared a grin, as the check continued more smoothly, everyone knowing Mitch had little patience, and now, Adrian's blessing to keep them in line.

"Three hundred miles. Laramie and Casper are the only big towns." Kenn peered closer at the small writing. "Damn. There are only a couple of reservoirs. Not a good enough excuse to go."

Adrian's cool eyes looked over the dusty Wyoming land around them, as Kenn got his notebook out, shaking his head at the radio.

"Come on Twenty! Why are you calling out of order?"

"Because I've got too many kids in my area!"

"Did you check the…" The radio went quiet for a moment as the guards straightened out the mix up. Copyright 2016 - 2024