Smothering a frown, Daryl checked his watch, "Little over an hour."

"Great. Let's give them a call. Message is to put on the vests and pay attention before reaching camp. Mission objective, shake my hand to pass to Level Four status."

Daryl grinned and keyed his headset, one of a dozen Kenn had finished this week. "Base to Eagle Four."

There was only a few seconds of silence, then Kyle's calm voice, "This is Four, base - go ahead."

"I've been instructed to tell you to put on the noisemakers and look alive before you hit camp. Copy?"

"Copy. What is the mission objective?"

"Physical contact with Eagle One."

"Copy. Four out."

Daryl took a quick look around the dusty landscape before turning back to Adrian. "Can I help?"

"Absolutely. You're the instructor and then the hostage. The barn half a mile back. The rookies are headed there now. Go now and...entertain them - the way I did at your first test."

Daryl grinned at the memory and the responsibility he'd just been given, and Adrian slipped into his truck as the guard left. The leader changed clothes, made contact with the next shift coming on, then snuck away to play with his army.


All the guards entered camp the way they'd left, Adrian and Kenn following more slowly behind.

"No one asked any questions. Big mistake. Seth's team got lucky to win."

Kenn was eager to help another of his picks. Zack was about to graduate to a Level One Eagle and had Kenn to thank for his name even being on the list. Now, all the truck driver had to do was live up to it. There would be no slacking off allowed. "True, that. Seth sure surprised 'em all."

Adrian lit a smoke. "Yes, he did. Give him a level test tonight. If he makes it, bump him up to Level Four and we'll catch him up. I always thought that team should have been ten strong, just didn't know who went there. Do it after dinner."

Kenn didn't look up from writing, glad for the redhead and hating the jealous part of him that wanted to say he'd done well with Doug, ask for his reward.

"So who's our MC tonight?"

Kenn gave a tight smile, tone even, "Doug said he'd give that to you at Mess."

Adrian met his eye, feeling his man's need, meeting it. "That's your job now. Once an evening you'll do rounds and collect envelopes. Organize it into something I can read quickly." Copyright 2016 - 2024