The doctor shrugged, eyes alert. "Enough to know we came to the right people, the right leadership."

"I appreciate that. There's a question I need to ask. Any idea?"

John nodded without hesitation, glad he could. "Yes and you have it. We're with you. I'm with you."

Adrian handed him a glossy black notebook and an envelope from the unusually light inside pocket of his jacket. "These are some things I need answers to if you can. I'll get the equipment - just tell me exactly what you need. Most importantly, this stays between us."

John took it, slipping his glasses on and he read the paper quickly. "These are smart questions. I've got some of my own work I've wanted to do that will help you, especially with effective treatments. I'll need specimens."

Adrian moved toward the flap. "I have a few coolers in the back of my semi. I'll tell Kyle to give you free access."

John watched him leave before hiding the paperwork. Adrian was being very careful, knew how to sing to his herd and still get things done, and the doctor was sure that their young leader bent out of shape would be something to see.

As Adrian left the medical tent, Kenn was there.

"Kyle's three hours out. Mitch just talked to them."

"Good. He mention where they are?"

"No. Call them back?" Kenn made a note to himself not to ever have to give the same answer again. From now on, he'd have the information.


Adrian climbed under the broken fence, moving steadily through the sand he'd already had two boys rake and clear of debris, thinking the dust storm would be the burial for those who wouldn't otherwise get one.


Kenn shrugged, still a bit disappointed Adrian hadn't said anything about him sending Doug to the medical tent. "If you like."

Adrian dug through the dusty, but otherwise untouched box of sports equipment that they'd put out this morning, and came up with a football. "Go long."

Kenn immediately took off running, and the blond threw the ball high and hard, hoping to draw some interest from his sheep. These games were good for them, but hard to get started. Most of the refugees kept to themselves as they dealt with their grief, and Adrian scheduled regular times for things like this, knowing they needed it as part of their recovery.

Kenn hurled the ball with a hard spin that made Adrian pay attention, and for the next few minutes, he left the heaviness of leadership on the sidelines and lost himself in having fun. The passes were hard and long, punishing catches, and it was the echo of their laughter and taunts that drew people. Copyright 2016 - 2024