He moved back too quickly, and she barely stopped the old Angela from asking him if he still loved her. Her heart clenched, and she covered herself up, shivering. She didn't have to ask. She already knew and it changed nothing.


Her eyes flew to his in alarm, and he smiled soothingly, pushing the heater closer as the light drizzle began to fall. "It's just Dog, looking for his dinner. I'll be right outside."

She nodded, shivering harder, and closed her eyes, feeling small and alone as he left.

Half an hour later, Marc had placed three rows of disks, secured the area more fully, and was sitting just outside the tent flap, finishing a smoke, beating himself up. It would never happen again. If there was danger from here on, it'll be me that faces it, not her!

Marc sighed, knowing he couldn't make that promise, even to himself. This new world was a nightmare, and he couldn't protect her from all sides.

"Can stop being stupid, though," he muttered, causing the wolf to stare questioningly. Marc shook his head. She wouldn't be left alone again, it wasn't a mistake he'd let happen twice, and he would step up her training too. She was like a sponge, making it clear she wanted to know anything he could teach her, and he would after she recovered.

Marc grinned bitterly. She would insist on a workout tomorrow, he had no doubt. She was stronger than anyone he'd ever known, and that included hardened Marines. His smile faded. Because she'd already lived through worse. Her man was going to pay!

It was dark, cold, and silent except for the restless mutterings of the woman in the vinyl shelter when Marc finally went to bed. The wolf was asleep at the doorway, and Marc took off only his coat as he crawled in next to her. His matching .45's went under his pillow.

When he curled his body protectively around hers, Angela relaxed against him and fell into a deeper sleep almost immediately, her fear of Kenny overpowered by the need for comfort that only Brady's arms could give.


"Do we keep following?"

Aching with the rain, Dillan shook his head, dark, angry eyes studying a wrinkled map as Dean eagerly fanned the fire to life. With the cabin still smoldering hotly, their smoke would appear to be part of it. They had been running a cold camp to avoid being spotted and both men were ready for a hot meal and a strong cup of coffee.

"No. They're still moving northwest, just like every time they head out. Going somewhere. We'll be able to track them down. He's not covering their trail at all."

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