All of them nodded again, eyes relaxing a little at his words, and while Adrian was glad to see they weren't a problem, he knew he wouldn't be finding any of his own in this group. They were clearly in need and he would help them, but damn it, where was his help?

Neil leaned close, whispered, and the four townspeople moved back nervously as Adrian turned to them with scowling eyes. "Who's in the truck?"

Their faces fell at the accusing tone, and Chris hurried to explain. "Our families. We couldn't leave them while we came to talk to you. It's not safe here."

"Or anywhere else. You should have mentioned them already."

Adrian gave Neil a look that said to watch them, and moved to the rear of the long vehicle before the man could defend himself. All four of the locals followed at a distance, very aware of guards who had yet to reholster their weapons.

"Eagles. What is part B of lesson three?"

There was silence, and then Kyle's dismayed voice. "Never assume cargo area is empty. Approach and handle as if it is full of the enemy." They hadn't secured the entire threat.

"No harm this time, and while you've done okay, this won't be considered a success. Open these doors."

Knowing they'd all just lost Level Three status, Kyle smothered his own disappointment to unlock the heavy door and shoved it upward. He took a quick look, nodding calmly, and then moved back to allow Adrian inside.

The reek of unwashed bodies hit them hard, but the slicked-back hair and messy braids told Adrian they'd at least attempted to make themselves presentable. He looked hard at their worried and hopeful eyes, seeing hunger, but not starvation; need, but not the desperation the four men had alluded to. Why the lie? Protection from the gangs? He could provide a little of that.

"Eagles, these are our newest camp members. We're going to feed them, give them medical care, and protect them. In return, they're going to follow our rules and help each other survive."

The women and children - there were only two, but Adrian was glad to have them anyway - were huddled on blankets on the truck's dirty floor, the elderly sitting in chairs with pillows and blankets. The oldest among them, her long, white hair almost silver, raised a thin, arthritic arm. "Will ya help an old woman up, young man?"

Adrian and Kyle moved at the same time, gentle with her, Seth on the footrails to assist. "Yes Ma'am, and so will any of us. Eagles, assembly line and someone find out how long before the food's ready. Welcome to Safe Haven. May it become your home." Copyright 2016 - 2024