He didn't confirm or deny, but was pleased she knew it. Cynthia had been a White House reporter before the War, a dangerously good one, and while she had only been here a few weeks, she already understood how things worked. Then, there was Tonya. She'd been with him since Nevada and still had no clue how to legally get what she wanted.

"Deal. And just maybe, I'll have more important things for you later. If you're interested?"

Cynthia agreed right away, surprised, suspicious, and he smiled at her, one of his genuinely beautiful moments that made her heart thump. There wasn't a man in camp who could compare.

"Anything else?"

"Yes. I'd like to go the mall across the street. I'm out of supplies."


Cynthia hesitated again, not wanting to tell him she hadn't really made any friends yet. She did have the eye of one of his guards, but she said nothing. Jeremy was on duty outside and would never leave his post.

"No one wants to walk in a blizzard just for notebooks and pens," he guessed. Then surprised her again. "It's nasty out there. I might be able to find you an escort."

Adrian watched her quickly hide the relief in her eyes, and was glad to know the Ice Queen could feel fear too. They had found her sleeping in a school bus, and she hadn't hesitated to speak her mind even then, alone, with only one bullet left in her gun.

"That would be great. I'll be ready when they are."

He looked at his watch, thinking she wore too much perfume. The room now reeked of flowers she'd probably never even seen. "The truck leaves in ten minutes. Kenn and the Eagles are heading over to collect our reserves. You'll be expected to help and do what you're told."

"No problem. Thank you."

"Anything else?"

"No. See you later."

Cynthia left quickly, glad she'd heard good words about her future here, but disappointed she hadn't gotten anything new. She still had no clue who he had been before and that question ate at her some nights. If it was the last thing she did, she would find out.

Adrian watched her go, thinking he would reward Neil for the unknowing distraction, but she wasn't going to give up because of a warning or even a mysterious possible offer somewhere down the line. Cynthia was going to keep digging, keep watching, and he would have to be careful. Because that female was smart enough to figure out his puzzle if given enough pieces.

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