
Adrian brushed absently at the layer of dust, sitting on a corner of the cluttered desk. "As in, how did he really know?"

The former cop's green eyes were full of suspicion. "Exactly. Mitch and Matt cover the hell out of that radio. No way that he heard it and no one else did."

The leader nodded a second time. He'd already gone down this road with himself. The sheep would believe it, though, and that was all that mattered. They would never hear Kenn's real answer. "How do you think he knew?"

Neil shrugged, his hat twisting in his restless hands. "I don't have a clue, and that bothers me. He saved our ass, that's for sure, and now these people love him, but…" Neil paused before pushing on carefully. "Something isn't right with him."

Adrian lit a smoke, waiting, and the cop looked at the man he respected more than anyone he'd ever known, hoping he wasn't about to make a big mistake. "I know he's your choice, and you have my complete support, but him, I plan to watch. You should know that."


Neil blinked, and Adrian grinned, stood up to clap him on the shoulder. "Didn't see that coming, did you?"

The trooper shook his head, stern face confused. "No. I thought I'd be in trouble."

Adrian's pale eyes were serious. "I expected no less. I want to be told about the smallest thing that catches your attention, Eagle. The smallest thing."

"You know it."

"He knows what?"

Neither man flinched, but both were caught off guard, and turned with nearly identical frowns. What was it with women and lurking in doorways?

"You need something?" Adrian demanded.

Cynthia's shrewd brown eyes lost some of their eagerness at his bark and she nodded quickly. "Yes. Sorry. The door was open."

Adrian went from pissed to bored in seconds, and he stared back at the Asian-American reporter with shuttered eyes and a cold smile. "Yes, it was. What can I do for you, Ms. Quest?"

The thin brunette looked at Neil, but apparently thought better of asking him to get the hell out. "I have some questions."

"There's a surprise," came his response, and the dry tone made the normally unshakable reporter flush and hesitate, unsure if she should go on. He was a hard man to read.

"What, Cynthia? Tell me your deepest desires."

The words hung in the dusty room, and now she was the one caught off guard, unable to give him anything, but the honesty his eyes were insisting on. The truth flew out of her mouth like a bullet.

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