A tear spilled from under her dark lashes, "Don't. It hurts."

"I'd take it away if I could."

"You have some of it. Knowing you came back means something to me."

"I'm sorry I didn't knock."

"I'm sorry I didn't call."

"Truce?" He held out a hand, and she shook it, smiling. "Didn't know we were at war."

Angela let her hand linger, the contact with another human, sliding across her skin in warmth, was something she had missed. When he moved toward her, she held still, needing to see if the stray curls of want she'd been feeling were real. Could she be whole in time?

Marc saw her nostrils flare as his hands came up to her face, and she closed her eyes when his palm slid along her cheek, thumb rubbing lightly across her bottom lip.

"So beautiful," he whispered, head leaning forward. "A Goddess." Marc pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth, felt her sudden intake of breath. Not sure if it was fear or desire, he pulled back. "Angie?"

Her hands curled into balls, wanting his kiss, wanting to be faithful. Not sure, either, about that flood of heat low in her gut, Angela stepped into his arms and tilted her mouth up.

Marc didn't give her time to change her mind.

Angela stiffened as his hand went to the back of her head, but the mouth against hers was sweet…musky…he tugged her closer, and she curled her arms around his neck, lost in the first real passion she had felt in too many years.

Marc deepened the kiss, let their tongues touch, rub, and the doors between their minds swung open, thoughts mixing.

"Missed you!"

"Need you!"

"Taste like a woman."

"Smell like a man."

"My Woman."

"My Man."

The last one made Angela gasp against his mouth, and she slammed the doors, broke the kiss in surprise. So much feeling in a single embrace!

Marc stepped back, turned away to lie. "I'm sorry."


Her voice was rough, sexy, and he looked back slowly, prepared to hear almost anything.

"It wasn't fear."

Marc grinned as she turned away, body hard, and heart light. It was going to be a good day.

Angela's thoughts were along the same line, and she was hoping that feeling would stay with her through the hard reunion she knew was coming. She had a plan of action based on what little she'd picked up about the people Kenn was with. Marc would have to watch his back, but there might be a chance for peace if her Marine could be reasoned with. She would know within the first few hours of being around his people, if that stood a chance. If not, she would use the backup - they'd run. After all this time with Brady, there was no way she could go back to being what she'd been before - caged. There was no way the Witch or the old Angela would allow that. They'd kill Kenny first.

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