She shook her head, held up dusty gloved hands, "I'm gardening. It's slow work." She hoped he would take the hint and frowned when the tall, curly blond, daddy's-boy moved closer, eyes almost leering.

"I could help."

"Do what? You ain't no farmer," Luke grunted from his chair in the corner.

Kendle flushed, hoping the snobbish fop hadn't heard. "Thanks, but I already ran Luke off. It's very relaxing." Kendle looked over the tropical jungle that was alive with life, bushy leaves waving in the soft, warm breeze, and tried not to respond to his smug, patronizing tone.

"You should be resting. Let me take you to my estate on the bay. I'll pamper you…show you what the red carpet treatment is."

"And, probably every venereal disease known to mankind," Luke muttered.

Kendle couldn't stop the smile that mistakenly encouraged Ethan to begin telling her what he would "introduce" her to, like she were some backwards bush-baby he had to tame.

After a full minute, Kendle found herself getting angry. Didn't he know who she was? She had once done a two week stretch in the South American jungles of Brazil after her plane crashed, and she'd photographed the entire event - turned it into an award-winning documentary.

"I've also got a rock-wall I'll show you how to climb. It's the biggest one the company ever made," Ethan stated arrogantly.

Luke's scornful voice echoed, loud and clear, "Yeah, forty grand for a wall when he could have climbed these hills for free. Bet daddy's real proud."

Ethan's handsome face disappeared behind his scowl and Kendle turned beet red, embarrassed, but struggling not to laugh.

"You said you're busy. I'll come back another day."

"Ethan, wait." She stepped out, but left the door open. "I'm sorry. I know you want to be my...friend, but really, I just need a little more time to myself."

Keeping his voice even, he answered, "I should think you would be eager to be with your own kind."

Frowning at him, Kendle crossed her arms over her chest. "What's that mean?"

The dandy's green eyes were eager now, mean, and she suddenly wished she'd let him go away mad.

"It means normal people, Miss Roberts, not an old man who hid here from crimes he was never punished for. Be careful. You could be in danger."

He left before she could think of a response. As she stepped back in and closed the door, Luke's shuttered eyes met hers. Copyright 2016 - 2024