Not quite smiling, Luke answered by stepping behind her and tugging her gently into his big arms. Barely suppressing a groan of pleasure, he wrapped himself around her and guided them, mouth near her ear, giving soft instructions.

It went awkwardly at first, Kendle too aware of the hard male body molded to hers to work with him, and the images of his naked skin flashed through her mind as they bent and swung, dipped and cut.

"Close your eyes."

She did it reluctantly, hating to give up control, but almost immediately, the feeling hit her. Total power, it was undeniable and consuming. She grinned against his jaw, not opening her eyes as he led.

They settled into a rhythm that made her stomach jump, as primitive and sexual instincts converged stunningly with each carefully controlled and yet harshly violent swing.

For Kendle, it was the release she needed and the attraction she'd long ago lost hope of finding. She had wanted the real love that her parents had shared, the kind that set off bells and whistles in her heart, and while this wasn't that, it was definitely lust and she let her body melt against his as they ducked and swung, bent and rubbed.

The area was cleared too quickly for both of them and they stopped reluctantly, neither of them moving away as sparks flew.

Kendle was lost. Even the sand in her shoes felt right. When he placed a light kiss on her jaw, she turned toward him, eyes still closed.

Moving slowly, the lonely Pilot slid his lips to the corner of her mouth for a chaste, erotic kiss that gave her chills of want, and drew a moan of frustration when he started to move back.

Luke felt the denial, her need, and tilted her head up, sealing their lips.

It was the sweetest kiss he'd ever had, one to remember a lifetime later and he leaned back to look at her dark blue eyes, thinking it shouldn't go any further yet. Liquid pools of desire looked back and Luke forced himself away from her, putting the machete back in its case. Would she want that room in town now? A line had definitely been crossed.

Kendle could still feel his lips against hers, his hardness behind her as they moved together, and she went to the box of tools with a smile of pleasant discovery. It was what she'd been looking for since high school and she was a bit stunned that she had found it here and now, and without even looking.

She glanced up to see his sexy eyes watching her warily and she blushed, smiled. "Sorry. Guess I got carried away." Copyright 2016 - 2024