Eager to be in the cool, quiet jungle, Kendle swung her leg over the bike, staying back to leave him room, and she blushed at the thought of holding close and tight to him while they were flying along. They were getting closer now and it surprised her. She never would have seen herself attracted to a calloused, big handed, suspenders and plaid-wearing war veteran.

It was a beautiful day. Sunny and warm, cloudless blue sky above and a saltwater breeze that made her shiver. She couldn't...

"Leaving so soon?"

Kendle saw Luke tense at the male voice and immediately knew he not only disliked the owner of it, he hated him. When she turned, it was easy to see why. The man was everything Luke wasn't.

Pretentious shoes, expensive slacks and Polo top, deep scorn in the 30-something island god's dark green eyes. Great body and teeth; deeply tanned, manicured hands; a watch on his wrist that had probably cost more than she had made on her last show. Instead of being impressed, Kendle only wondered vaguely if it still worked. She had no interest in a trust fund baby.

"Introduce us," Ethan ordered.

Kendle stood up when she saw a muscle in Luke's stubble-covered jaw twitch.

"Be careful, Pasta Boy or..."

Kendle stepped between them before Luke could finish the threat, holding her hand out. The menace in LJ's body language was a surprise to Kendle and like a whiff of cooking meat to the lonely woman inside.

"Roberts, Kendle. And you are?"

"In awe of your beauty," oozed the tall playboy as he gently kissed her hand. Keeping hold of her it, he introduced himself, flashing expensive veneers. "I'm Ethan Kraft, oh Goddess of survival. I own this island."

"Just the town, Fader."

Kendle pulled her hand away with a warning look that said not to get too friendly.

Ethan frowned at the nice term for someone who can't follow through and pretended not to see the red-skinned movie star wipe her hand down the side of her jeans, like he might have contaminated her.

Luke saw it though and his grin widened.

"Give me time," Ethan boasted arrogantly, flashing beautiful dimples at Kendle, and she frowned at the unspoken implication that he would have her too. Not in a million years.

"You ready?" Luke interrupted, indicating the bikes.


Ethan stepped forward as she turned away, meaning to take her hand again.

Luke, unsure of his intentions, slapped both palms against the playboy's hard chest and shoved him, forcing him to move back to keep from falling. "Don't ever touch her unless she says it okay! You got that?"

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