"Me either. You're okay?"

Angela trembled, a bit shook up, and didn't tense when he surrounded her with his arms, just buried her head against his hard, comforting body and held on tight. She couldn't stop herself from trembling.

Marc rubbed her arms to warm her, knowing it was the shock of being woken so abruptly and forced to deal with the fury of their environment before she'd even had a cup of coffee that had shaken her, made her a bit vulnerable.

"Dog, up. Sshhh... It's okay, Honey."

Angela kept her arms locked around his waist as the wolf went to the roof of his 4x4. Marc held her close, watching the drumming rain continue as his body tried hard to ignore hers. It was still a perfect fit.

"Are we safe here?"

Marc recognized the moment. If she could ask him that, and be prepared to believe it, things really had changed. "I think so. I need to do a quick check."

Angela shivered when he stepped back, immediately feeling colder as he disappeared into the dim shadows. The wind blew her hair back, and her heart whispered this storm was headed northwest, toward her boy. She had to send Kenny another message, had to warn him again. Heart thumping, she gathered herself quickly, doing it before the fear could make her change her mind.

Marc could feel the waves of energy humming through the cinema. Without knowing he could or that he was going to try, he stepped directly in front of her and closed his eyes, concentrating.

He was blocked at first by a wall of crumbling mental bricks, but he sent his want ahead of him and it fell easily enough. Angela's lashes fluttered, but she didn't protest, and then he was in and frowning.

"Where are you?" The man's voice was loud, intimidating, and familiar somehow?

"You have to take cover. Bad storms headed your way." "

One more time, Bitch! Where are you?"

It was a struggle for Marc to remain silent, but he did.

"A lot closer. How's my boy?"

"Happy with me. How close?"

The barely-controlled anger was clear and Angela forced herself to stand, emboldened a little by Brady's presence, "I'm coming for my son just as fast as I can."

"You'll never get him back. Not unless you do what I say."

Searing rage filled Marc, but it was nothing compared to the fury coming off Angela in clouds of heat he could actually feel.

"You won't keep me from my boy, Kenny! That was the old world. Things have changed, and you're the one who should be careful!" She sucked in a breath as he screamed obscenities, then overpowered him with her anger. The words blasted out in a furious snarl. "If anything happens to my boy because you didn't listen, there won't be a place on this fucking planet that you can hide from me!" she slammed the door before he could respond in kind.

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